The truly good tennis games would come after this generation of consoles, but this is a step in the right direction. In general it seems that developers could not figure out how to make an elegant distinction between using the d-pad to position yourself and using it to direct the ball, so the player has to suffer. It requires too precise an input to play at a somewhat decent level, and the reward ain’t good enough, in my opinion. It just feels kinda random, like THIS time you somehow managed to make the controls do what you wanted. This is barely better than Super Tennis, which wasn’t a particularly good game, but where Smash Tennis absolutely fucking owns that game is in the graphics department. This is seriously a very pretty SNES game with a good if minimal art-style, and it shows that with confidence. If only for that, I think everybody should play it at least once.

Decently fun for like an hour or two, but is just bland.

Perhaps it is because I’m such a fan of the sport but I found this almost offensive. I tend to evaluate sports games on two criteria: if they are fun and if they look cool. This games is neither. Okay, it has some nice animations, but that’s it. The thing is, when it comes to football there’s actually a third and perhaps more important criteria; wheter they capture the escence of the game or not. This does not.

Extremely cool game both in looks and in feeling, but sadly it assumes that the player has the attention span of an infant, bombarding you with new shit to do every twenty seconds, constantly rewarding you for anything (at this rate, the next Horizon will give you a series s car for fucking breathing), seemingly terrified you would stop playing if the only think keeping your interested in it is driving sweet cars in this nice world.

An impressive technical achievement, this must’ve felt like the future back in 1986, but I can’t help but to think that… it’s not that pretty? The very first part is, and is the thing most people remember. The rest is honestly forgettable.

Broken ass game from nearly 10 years ago with two awful main modes that require microtransactions to work and with another game mode that asks you to spend several hours (mygm) before letting you do the cool shit that you actually want to do and that is plagued with stupid fucking incessant micromanaging garbage like talking to your players to keep their morale up or whatever. Most of the money seems to go to the fucking mycareer cutscenes that most people either don’t care about or actively hates. Every little thing they tried to do to make the game cool and hip is boomer nonsense that messes with the actually cool things of a basketball games, it just gets in the way between the player and a decent sport simulation. The engine is slow as shit and now you can’t even TAKE FUCKING JUMPSHOTS because the margin of error is so slim that you have to actually like get the timing down to a frame BUT EVERY PLAYER IN THE GAME HAS A DIFFERENT ANIMATION AND A DIFFERENT TIMING SO IT IS SEEMINGLY ONLY OPTIMIZED TO BE FUN IN A COMPETITIVE MYPLAYER MODE BUT BREAKS THE REST OF THE FUCKING GAME AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE THIS WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS STUPID ASS SHIT I DON’T UNDERSTAND PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL ME!!!

A loving homage to a place that basically never existed, an imagined tale of childhood and innocence tenderly realized in videogame format with a world so vivid and kind and sweet I can barely let go, a joyful story about fictionalized monsters told in such a unique almost magical-realism way, an art-piece so beautifully crafted that makes me reminisce about my own life and cry; every word a poem, every sound an opera, every frame a painting.

Seems cool but the controls made it borderline unplayable for me. Some of the less responsive inputs I’ve encountered in these big and flashy 16-bit games thus far.

It manages to stay fun 30 years after its release, which is impressive for such a game. Like, play most action games of the era, even the well remembered ones, and they kinda suck, and almost always are on the cheaper side of difficulty. Not this one, tho. It’s harder than a game like this would be nowadays, but not by a whole lot, and it’s snappy great to control. It lacks a little bit of craziness to me, it just looks to ordinary, and while it is a good deal of fun, it misses just a bit of balance here and there and some checkpoints are really punishing, particularly in an early game stage. A late game stage (you’ll probably know which one), however, is absolutely trash, a convoluted mess that I didn’t enjoy in the slightest.

Pros: You can pick the USSR!

Cons: Is Gorbachevs…

crime: inverted y axis

punishment: death!!!

cool idea but is like a first semester homework for a couple of guys that they forgot until the last possible day


It losses some of its potential by abandoning the party component of the home consoles versions, but it is still fun. If you are awful at these games like me you can just pick Bayo and have a blast!

PS Smash run fucking sucks. “Hey, here’s 5 minutes of bullshit before actually having fun!”

Cons: It picks the USA automatically at the beginning.

Pros: I can play against the USSR and get absolutely demolished because I suck at videogames.