Fun and a bit charming but it controls really bad.

“what do you mean the first level in super mario delicately teaches you how to play the entire game? that sounds fucking lame” - treasure right before making a first level that will mercilessly kill you in thirty seconds, probably

Amazing writing, but dated in some regards and JAM PACKED with uninteresting combat.

What this could’ve been with like 60% less combat…

Pretty good until you realize you’ve been playing an incredibly mindless game for 20 hours and decide to do something better with your time. I found some weapons to be very fun to use, and I think the sheer variety of them really adds to the experience. Its cell shading style samurais will never not be good looking to me.

I could probably play the first two levels blindfolded. It is safe to say a really like this game. They even did the Dark Souls thing where they make a level everybody hates but there’s a reason for it, like it is bad and hard and kind of a chore for a purpose (and they will do it again!).

The first five levels are truly phenomenal, but the second half of the game shows that Bungie was running out of money, time or ideas, even when they introduce a new type of enemy. This is an evolution of the genre, at least on consoles, and should be recognized as important and historically relevant. The original Xbox version is lacking content, unless you had like 3 other Xboxes and 15 spare controllers or whatever, and an absurd amount of friends.

A decent tetris clone. An extra star for the stellar Mario design.

A two star game but easily a five star trolling maneuver by Nintendo.

Pretty much a perfect game, I’m extremely surprised this even runs on the NES. And not only that, like, this game is kinda gorgeous, and full of very charming sprite work. The type of thing people can come back to every once in a while and not only for nostalgia reasons, it is also cool to play this, and there is an amazing variety of abilities that constantly changes the way you play. The controls aren’t perfect but damn it they are not that far either.

People seem to love this music and I frankly didn’t see why. But the biggest negative is by far the final boss. You know the drill; much harder that the rest of the game and invincible for large periods. I would fight to death to whomever came up with this. Seriously.

Cute and bizarre but derivative and harder than it needed to be.

It keeps the worst parts of every early Kirby (WHY IS THERE A DELAY WHEN I USE KIRBY’S ABILITIES WHEN I JUMP?) game and adds very little to the formula. The cuteness of the animals you sometimes ride doesn’t compensate for the bad level design. Also it looks worse than the first one, it isn’t as cute. And the music is generic game boy music.

Too imprecise to adequately do some of the cool things the game asks of you, I found myself being frustrated even when I did manage to succeed in the extra (and harder) objectives, for example in the third level, which kicked my ass the first few tries, I don’t think I performed that good nor did I do something that different from those first attempts. Or like when you maneuver around the many fire hazards in the next level and you NEED to hit those fireballs to recover some health, but you need to hit them quick and the controls just kinda don’t let you, because the aim is always relative to where you are or where you are moving so there is this extra step that just doesn’t feel right to me. The free mode in particular never felt fun or rewarding, I just think the game believes it is much more controlable than it actually is. And I know there are folks that will beat this in like 15 minutes with no damage or whatever, and there probably are at least a couple that could do it blindfolded and with one hand, etc. but that doesn’t make the controls good, at least to me, it’s just passionate players doing crazy shit around some pretty flawed mechanics that were designed for a time when two sticks sounded insane.

And that’s the point, really, it just feel like you’re playing against the outdated control scheme as much as you’re playing against the cool enemies and levels of the game itself.

Cool and stylish action game that is at least as good as the other high profile shooters on the console. I liked it, but it is perhaps a bit convoluted to control, although it does feel unique in a good way, tank controls and everything. It is brief and lighthearted, as I think these weirder experiences should be. Do yourself a favor and don’t read the diary entries (evil chinese empire wants to expand its territory opressing the poor and defenseless japanese people? Projecting a bit motherfuckers???)

Very cool game that is virtually unplayable to a huge portion of people nowadays. The game was designed to be unfair, it wants your money. That’s it. Unlike other games with actual well thought out difficulty curves, this one doesn’t care and CHEATS you because it is more profitable to do so. 90’s microtransactions ftw!

Amazing level design with an absurdly awful camera that makes precision platforming much harder and imprecise than it should’ve been, especially while Mario is in the air. There is no depth perception whatsoever, so if you even think about trying to move mid jump, be prepared to get mad. This huge problem is exacerbated in some of the more difficult challenges, and if you add a shit point of view and a small screen, like the world 6 boss, it is a shit show.