TellTale's The Walking Dead episodes ranked

Spoilers for a bunch of episodes in the notes.

Perfect ending in my opinion, I cannot envision anything better that isn't just fanservice.
This episode really rocked the boat huh

It really rocked the boat huh

Really rocked the boat huh

Rocked the boat
when i catch you lilly
when i catch you lilly
when i catch you lilly
Honestly, this would be number 1 of the first three seasons if I didn't have an attachment for the first season.
i forgor to give this one a not when i first added it to the list oop

it was great, i think season 3 is highly underrated
If I didn't play season 1 a million times and thus had the impact of that season's episode 3 lessen for me each subsequent playthrough, then this would probably be below that. But I did so this is where it'll be.
the way kate is standing in this picture is the most thug-ass gangster-ass shit like holy hell it's so badass
Character interactions were good, but it felt very played out.
This was actually quite good, it just has the unfortunate circumstance of being a decent bit shorter than a normal TWD episode.
Somewhat frustrating, but overall a nice ending.
The episode where the choices have mattered the least so as of this point in the series.
Very thrilling episode that brings the conflict to a head.
I don't dislike it, it just didn't really add much.
Powerful ending. I still had some tears welling even after all my previous playthroughs. Maybe not as strong as episode 3 of this season overall, but such a good ending that I think the placement is justified.
Probably the first season episode that drags the most, but still great.
Really ramps things up, gives great development for almost every character, introduces two I really like, and is the climax of the drama built up insofar.
Isn't as impactful on me now that I know the twist, but maybe if you don't know about it and don't see it coming, it's a lot more interesting? This is definitely the most filler an episode gets in the first season.
Not bad by any metric, I just think it gets better as you get to know the characters more and the stakes are raised.


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