this game really came outta nowhere. its the only roguelike i can think of id recommend for the story and not the gameplay, not because the gameplays bad, but because the story is better. the gameplays still good enough to keep me playing this game after finishing the story and getting both endings. i did find it a little easy, with a sudden difficulty spike for the true final bosses, but its "easy" in the sense that i felt like i could solve my way out of most situations rather than because i can just blindly use the cards with the highest numbers and win, which is a good thing.

i forgot to update this review for a while but im here now.

so im a little conflicted after finishing it. gameplay wise its incredible, but... at some point you wonder to yourself "is this it?". you fight a lot of the same enemies, the exploration isnt very meaningful a lot of the time (though the exploration that does feel good, is very good), and the story is just frankly not good. the game really takes its time in the first region, but then you move onto the next one and its over in less than half the time, then you move into the last and third region and the games over pretty much right away. and if that was it this would be a 3.5, but then if you engage the true ending at the very last section you get into a far more interesting part of the game in pretty much every way. i wont spoil it, but then after just a few more hours its over. those last couple hours do drag it up by quite a bit honestly. it has a strong beginning, a very weak middle section and a strong ending, but i expected a pretty heavily replayable game which this isnt. it would be a little that if some of the changes to the world that are made in the last part were made permanent in ng+, but as is this is a one and done kinda deal which feels a little disappointing, but its still amazing in the gameplay department so its really really worth playing just for that, just dont expect it to change your life.

booting this game up for the first time after finishing the ps1 games had me going wild over how much better it seemed at first, but after actually playing it for a short time you realize its... still basically the same game. this time however, it seems a lot more balanced, but i feel as if thats to its detriment since the previous games sort of masked some of their awful mission design with just how strong you could be, while this one is just brutal in an extremely frustrating way. unlike the previous games, i didnt 100% this one, the arena was far too difficult, maybe thats a skill issue though.

more of ac1 with a couple more awful missions but some improvements in other regards. kind of a sidegrade really

pretty fun though a little short, and very unbalanced. i had absolutely zero problems with every encounter in the game until the final boss which i had multiple attempts on with multiple different guns where i literally ran out of ammo without missing any shots and still didnt kill it, until i just used the finger which killed it in a few seconds.

i kept putting off this game because as someone who very much likes tarkov, "tarkov but more casual and with much less prevalent progression" didnt really sound very appealing to me, but i got it on sale recently and yeah no its actually just that good, awesome game.

its really funny with friends and all but it does get kind of boring after a while ngl

one of the best games this year, i have no idea how to even put into words whats so good about it, its just really good and creative

for a game that ive seen praised so much it really was just kind of boring. maybe the expectations are what killed it for me, but i dont think id enjoy just holding shift + w even without that honestly. its kind of atmospheric for like 5 minutes sometimes before you just get taken to holding shift + w for another little while again.

if you like quirky earthbound inspired indie rpgs this is one of the best ones ive played. story wise its pretty good and you probably can tell that just by looking at it, but its also pretty cool gameplay wise. less in terms of the actual combat, and more in the exploration and level design. its pretty non linear, or at the very least it does a good job of feeling that way.

one of the best yakuza games, the gameplay is really good (lost judgment is still better in that regard but its hard to make the best gameplay ever twice in a row), and the story and characters are also really good

i think this game might be fun but, and i might just be a scrub, it feels way too hard.

saw this game back when it released on steams new page and i figured it looks neat so sure ill give it a try. i got a lot more than what i expected, its definitely worth trying if youre a fan of these kinds of games. im pretty sure you know if youd like this game though.

has its moments but the game as a whole is just goofy.