Holy shit I fucking love every single thing about this game. This is tied with super monkey ball one as my favorite monkey ball game. This was our most favorite fucking game to play on the old ass ps2 that we had growing up at the day care I went to my whole childhood. We would just spend hours and fucking hours playing this game, we couldn’t get enough of it even with how rage inducing it was. I really liked how deluxe combined the levels from one and two and added its own exclusive levels (I found these ones to be my favorite). I have so many good and bad memories with this game, it holds such a special place in my heart. This game is the reason why I love the monkey ball series so much in the first place and definitely made me who I am today. It pushed me to spend hours upon hours playing monkey ball one to perfect my skill and technique until I was able to clear expert on it and eventually reach expert extra (still trying to reach master to this day). I can’t wait to get a copy of this game again now that I have my own ps2.

My favorite fucking monkey ball game along with monkey ball deluxe for the ps2. Everything about this game is perfect from the level designs and the mechanics of having to master each intricate level. This is a game that has been more stress and anger inducing than any other but that’s why I love it so much. I love genuinely hard games that challenge me like monkey ball does. This game brings me so much nostalgia and holds such a special place in my heart. I’m still proud of myself for being able to get to a point where I can breeze through expert on this and have even reached the expert extra stages. Hoping to one day reach master. I still remember the pure thrill and adrenaline I felt when I finally passed the dreaded level 7 also known as stage 6 on deluxe and officially known as Exam C.

Not as good as the first game in my opinion but still a solid ass game that I’ve had a lot of fun with over the years. I didn’t like the level design in this one as much as in the first game, and actually find this game to be much harder. This game has really awesome party games though and story mode that makes it shine.

One of my favorite games ever holy shit the amount of fun times I had with this game, especially playing this with my brother. We would spend hours together on this game making some of the best memories. This game has a special place in my heart.

This game was fucking everything to me growing up holy shit. We would play this game all the fucking time on the ps2 that we had at the daycare that I went too. This was the very first car game that I ever played and one of the very first video games that I ever played in general. Everything about this game is just so amazing and it holds such a special place in my heart.

This game fucking traumatized me as kid with that damn merlee’s mansion 1 million ruby level holy fuck. I was stuck on this particular part for 2 entire years (I was too young and didn’t know at the time that I could just cheat and search up the code to unlock the one door but after 2 damn years I finally figured out I could do that). Overall I found this game to be really challenging as a kid but I did have some good moments with it. I always loved playing the second door of this game. Definitely not the best game in the paper mario series but it’s still a great game.

Forever one of my favorite video games to ever touch earth, brawl truly has such a special place in my heart I will always be a brawl dick rider as long as I exist on this earth and I am not ashamed of it. I’m probably biased as hell towards this game because it was my first smash game and one of the very first video games that I ever played but holy shit this game makes me so incredibly nostalgic, brawl will always be remembered as having the best ost out of all the smash games. Nothing can ever top brawl’s main theme and final destination, the latin vocals are beyond perfect and transcendental. I fucking love everything from this game from the more dark rough art style to the stages and to the roster and the ost, but I think what we all can agree on being the strongest and most iconic part of brawl is of course subspace emissary. To this day I am still impressed and speechless with the intricate story that the cutscenes in subspace emissary were able to portray and narrate despite there not being a single spoken word of dialogue throughout the cutscenes. And just seeing all of your favorite characters from different universes and franchises interacting is just fucking amazing. I will never forget how much fun I had completing subspace emissary for the first time in third grade, coming home to play it every single day, and how proud I was of myself when I beat Tabuu. Brawl has some of my favorite bosses ever and some of the most memorable bosses ever, with Tabuu being one of my favorite final bosses of all time. Tabuu is genuinely such an impressive bossfight that is definitely on the much more harder side of bosses that I’ve encountered. Some of the clearest memories I have of my childhood are tearing up while watching that one Ness and Lucas subspace cutscene, as well as obsessively rewatching the trailers for snake and sonic. I played this game so much with my brother, cousins, and friends. I hold those memories so dear to my heart—it was always our tradition whenever my one cousin would come over to spend the night for him, my brother, and I, to do tournaments on brawl with specific rules set in place every time. I remember we would always have so much fun betting on which CPUs would win each match based on the level match ups. Those were seriously some of the best times of my childhood and I’d do anything to bring them back. Brawl is so important to me not just because it’s one of my beloved childhood games, but also due to the fact that it introduced me to so many other video game characters and franchises at the young age of 6-7. I love this game endlessly and its forever engraved into my heart.

I remember having so much fun playing this shit with my brother especially that tank game

Many good memories and times with friends with this game along with just dance 2014

One of the most iconic wii games and wii sports games ever with such a memorable theme. I’ve had so many good times and memories with this game playing it alone and with my family/friends. Flying the airplane around the island and volcano was always my favorite fucking thing to do on this game along with the sword fighting thing (the amount of times that damn game pissed me off though oh my god).

Peak. Everything about how silent hill is set up and its atmosphere and design is fucking phenomenal. The ending fucked with my head so bad and made me feel like I had smoked 50 blunts while being awake for 30 hours straight, but in the best way possible. One of the best (possibly the best) osts ever as well.

One of my favorite games of all time, I played this game so much growing up and still play it here and there to this day. I have so many incredible good and bad memories with this game, playing this shit when I was sick staying home from school. I remember playing this with my childhood best friend, watching my brother fight the enderdragon and making portals to the netherworld. I remember trying to get to the netherworld myself and fight the enderdragon. I spent so many hours after school following house tutorials on youtube and then adding my own creative spin for the interior of the homes (I consider myself an amazing interior designer especially when it comes to minecraft I have made some of the coolest houses and worlds). This game is so dear to me and such a timeless game as well that can be played forever. The multiplayer online aspect of this game is incredibly fun as well. I watched a lot of mine craft youtubers growing up as well especially pat and jen they were my favs. I remember watching them daily at one point. Minecraft has one of the most calming and soothing atmospheres and osts that is so bitter sweet and somber and strikes such deep nostalgia into my heart and soul. Love this game forever

I have so many good memories with this game I fucking loved WWE growing up. I played the shit out of this game especially when me and my brother were hyper fixated on WWE, we actually went and saw a WWE match live a long ass time ago which was really fucking cool.

Such a fun game I played the shit out of this game on my ipad and especially loved playing it online with others. Getting it on my switch was such a good idea it plays so much better on the switch than on the ipad it’s ridiculous. This game has such an addictive combat system and amazing fucking array of weapons and fighting styles. I especially loved this game during the time where I was heavily hyper fixated on ninjas and anything ninja related for awhile.


One of my favorite fucking games ever holy shit everything about this game is phenomenal. I actually played this game before watching the SAW movies and became so hyperfixated on SAW from playing this game, and binged all of the SAW movies afterwards with my family (it was fucking amazing and I’d do anything to re experience the movies for the very first time again). I will always fucking love the SAW series and Billy the puppet.