96 reviews liked by erki



forever grateful that tevi and rabi-ribi's artstyle keeps filtering so many people. it really is like firing gunshots every now and then to keep the rent low

Imagine everything that on the surface makes you think of Darkest Dungeon but none of the fun you'd get from actually playing it.
The combat is worse, the slow roguelite progression over every failed run feels bad, and the driving is actually terrible.
I'd rather not keep forcing myself to keep playing or hold out for when I finally have enough stuff to make the game fun.
Please stop making games like this that are only fun after you've sunk cost fallacy'd yourself into not being able to remember how much you had to grind to get there.
Darkest Dungeon 1 is a genuinely good and fun party/town management game with a great aesthetic. Darkest Dungeon 2 just feels like it's chasing the roguelite trend with systems that work against wanting to play multiple runs again and again.
Please just go play Darkest Dungeon, this ain't it chief.

the story is amazing but the game feels way too grind heavy for me, i'm still going to finish it anyway

some of yall have gone so far deep into anti-gamefreak rhetoric (which yeah, is wholly valid) that you've shifted the pendulum in order to defend this slop. is palworld really the hill you want to die on?

literally just play spectrobes instead

Peak fiction.
Lily best girl

Legitimately one of the few games to ever make me cry. Hard recommend.

congratulations to the team at pocketpair for innovating on the "so bad its good" genre and creating a completely new genre of "so bad its... oh yeah its still bad, yeah it sucks, when does it get good, is it good yet? is it funny?"

Open world:
I love the open world style of this game. The world has so much to explore maybe a little bit to much. I loved the different ways you can explore the planet and all its secrets. For my first playthrough i did not do a lot of exploring but i focused more on the story of the game. Now that i have finished the game i plan on revisiting the game to just explore. Overall i liked the world.

Before i played Xenoblade X i played xenoblade1, 2 and 3. and from what i have experienced is that the combat felt very familliar compared to Xenoblade 1. I really liked the way you could choose classes and upgrade your abilities. Later in the game i have experienced that leveling up through combat could be a bit of a pain due to the amount of xp i was getting (this could be a me problem). overall i enjoyed fighting monsters and creating the strongest team possible.

The story is very good except that the pacing is kinda mid in my personal opinion. When doing story quest to progress further in the game i was forced to do affinity quests and other side missions before i could start the main story quests which annoyed me a little bit. Sometimes the forced side quests could be a little tedious because i did not want to do them or they where just not fun. If i really wanted to play the affinity quests and required side quests i would have started them on my own. Because of this i felt a bit dissapointed. To avoid spoilers in my review i want to say that i really liked the ending and i did see it coming it was a shocker. The ending left me wondering will there be a sequel or not because i have many questions that are not answered. Overall i liked the story but screw forced missions.

When it comes to xenoblade and music they always nail it. can't say much about it the music is just really good. Personally the music in the Barracks and New Los Angeles are good but they could have been different it did not match the music from for example Oblivia or Sylvalum.

Main Characters:
I liked creating my own character and chosing her voice type. Sadly she does not talk much. Overall i liked most of the characters like Lin and Elma. when comparing the characters to other Xenoblade games i will always hate nopons they really annoy me especially Tatsu. Besides that i have not much else to say about the characters they are just oke.

Final summary:
Great open world lots to explore. Great and familiar combat with lots of customization. great story mid pacing and annoying forced quests maybe in a future remake they change it. Great music except for a few places. Good character customization. Overall i gave the game a 4/5 due to a few annoying things and nitpicking on smaller details.

Enjoyable rougelike, nicer experience than vampire survivors [heavvily based off], just liked the fact I could choose to shoot and it not being automatic