Masterpiece. The most emotional and cinematic exploration platformer I've played. Some of the escape sequences and boss fights have readability issues. Completed the game on hard mode (didn't 100%)

Great pixel art action platformer with great boss fights and some interesting and unique systems at play, though they don't always stick the landing. Features the best CRT filter I've ever seen.

Fantastic game. Great sense of speed. Input density gets a bit high when you try to incorporate all of the different things you can do in a trick, but that's part of the challenge. I still have a lot of content to go back and get through.

Difficult to discuss without spoiling, but part of the "subversive" subgenre alongside games like Frog Fractions, Undertale, and Pony Island, the last of which is by the same dev. Big shame that there isn't more endgame content, given the brilliance of the design of the card game.