8 reviews liked by evie

this bitch just waterfowl danced me twice consecutively im sICK

I both love and hate this game so much. I keep telling myself I will never play it again but keep finding myself in a swamp getting eaten alive by snakes. I hate this game with every cell of my being and love it at the same time. The optimization is garbage. The gameplay is repeating itself. Make a small hut for the first day then upgrade it. Go search for a cool spot to build your last base and end the Ark. Wow. Please for the love of god end my misery.

A relaxing aquarium simulator. The client tasks or quests were quite fun, and the DLC adds more variety. My only real gripe is that it can be sometimes fiddly to place objects where you want, and the initial load time is quite long.

I basically enjoyed it, and I can already tell that I'm gonna back to this at some point. You start playing and it's pretty neat, and you're excited to get a whole wide universe to explore.

And then phase two is realizing that, hey man, there's SO MUCH universe here that, counter-intuitively, there's nothing to do. The planets are huge but there's not much on them, so you end up walking for miles only to arrive at something that's not really worth having arrived at. I would have loved to see, simply, MORE stuff to interact with on any given planet--the cities are perfectly fine!

And then the third phase, weirdly, is playing enough to start finding the interesting stuff that has been hidden around the universe. You'll randomly land on a planet for no real reason, and then there will be a fascinating quest that was hand-crafted and is very good! And then you'll head back into the world and do nothing for a few hours before you, once again, find something very fun to do through (essentially) brute force experiencing every planet.

Call me when Bethesda develops a few DLCs that flesh out the worlds with cool stuff to do between the cool stuff, and I'll be back to buy another copy for whatever console we've gotten to.

i wanted to like this game so bad but the late-game twist ruined anything this still had going for it by the final act

the puzzles were mindnumbing. the performances were okay. the premise is still interesting to me, but the follow-through just isn't worth the hassle of getting to the end

i'm having a hard time rating this because i enjoyed it a lot at the same time i think it's pretty flawed. i thought the mystery was great and i had fun trying to figure out all the different parts, but some of the twists just didn't land for me and some things weren't adequately addressed or satisfyingly concluded. i thought the somniums were vastly improved from the first game, though.

i want to study ryuki's brain.

it looks very fun! but i enjoyed watching other people have fun with it more than i enjoyed actually playing it. i don't think it's a bad game -- i think i just need to accept these games aren't for me, as i didn't really enjoy botw that much either, but i still wanted to give it a fair shot. might come back to it some day, might eventually commit to watching someone else's playthrough instead, but i think i'm done with it for now.