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this game used to be my Go-To multiplayer shooter. Back when I still played it, it had some of the most fun gameplay and moments in any shooter that would honestly put all of them to shame. The mix of proper strategizing with your teammates, picking the best operators and gear using their abilities to your teams advantage, while at the same time still requiring good timing and reaction time to get good shots off. There was one time it was a 1v5 and I managed to pull the best fucking clutch-ace that I don't think I'll ever be able to replicate in a video game ever. Every operator was balanced, fun, and played to eachothers strengths.

So what the fuck happened to this game?
Like really, I don't fucking know what happened. I tried playing this game again and it felt like a fake mobile knockoff of itself. The UI is atrocious, there's insane bloat, the artstyle looks like dogshit now, teamplay is basically fucking gone and every new operator looks goofy and plays like a valorant operator.

If this game was in better hands than Ubisoft, or if instead they just made a Siege 2 instead of continuing to update this game, that would've been for the best, but here we are.

Fuck this game.