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2 days

Last played

March 5, 2024

First played

February 14, 2024

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Yakuza 7 is a weird game. One I still can't really put into words what I truly think about this game.

The story and general character writing in this game has to be some of the best in the entire franchise, bar none. Probably in all of gaming honestly. Ichiban is such an instantly likable and relatable character. He's a dude you wanna see succeed every step of the way, and it's always nice to see him succeed. There's only a handful of games that I can point to that has a main character that's just so likable and entertaining it's almost unrealistic how nice of a guy he is. Every interaction he has with the rest of the cast is just nice to hear because Ichi just has shit to say and it's always entertaining.

This game has had some of the best scenes in the whole series with some really entertaining and funny scenes that can be followed up with the most fucking heart wrenching thing you will ever see. The ending of this game really fucked me up, it's probably just my favorite ending to any Yakuza game ever.

With that comes my main problems with this game, which is for the most part the gameplay of it. It's not by any means bad, honestly it's really good, especially for a first attempt. But it's really only until later in the game where you get some better moves and gear where the combat just starts to click and becomes enjoyable. Some of the bosses can be really annoying damage sponges that you can't even hit with certain moves sometimes. The side content in this game is really lackluster with some really lame substories and side activities that are more just boring than anything. Granted, I don't think you can top anything side content related after 5, but I still wish it was better overall.

Issues aside it's really hard for me to say I actively dislike a good portion of this game, the last final chapters of it are really fucking good and is probably one of the best written in the series. Ichiban is straight up the best protagonist, he's number one.