Fun survival once you understand how it works, especially with friends. The cave systems are awesome.

Gorey action-packed shooter. The type of game to help you blow off some steam.

Fun game to play with friends and has cool water graphics. Feels repetitive in the missions and fighting.

This game made my childhood. All the minigames are so memorable, and it was a great time as a kid.

XBC is a story-focused huge open-world game with interesting characters and a decent plot. My personal critique is with the core gameplay for fighting, which can feel dragged on in many instances. The combinations are fun to pull off, but a lot of enemies take so long to finish off.

I only played PvE, and that specifically is very fun with friends and alone. It is very buggy at points and PvP is a chore, but the customized PvE experience is what I played it for.

Very nostalgic brawling game with EPIC monsters. There is a map that has a tsunami which makes it peak gaming.

Was especially fun the first few months, but as more niche words appeared, it became a game of word baiting.


Classic where you bully peeps and run from teachers. Not a huge fan of the gameplay.

OG Lego game during their golden years.

Toon CS:GO with OW characters $1000 gun skins.

Not my type of game, but fun to challenge friends on.

Peak bird. Sad and quick end to this game.

Unlimited creativity for 2D Mario. Not my type of game but was still fun to play.