CONQUERING MY CHILDHOOD: beating games i haven't played since i was a kid

Alongside Pokemon, I grew up alongside basically whatever weird games we were able to get our hands on. Here I finally prove my worth to society by attempting to actually beat them

shorthand opinions in notes, any that i've done a full review for will have a link in there too

TrackMania United Forever
TrackMania United Forever
Still easily my favourite racing game, and one of my all-time favourite games.
The definition of overambitious; although Lost Heaven is a great backdrop with a fairly nice atmosphere, Mafia both fails to delivier on what it wanted to, and also fails to deliver on, like, being fun
Pokémon Trading Card Game
Pokémon Trading Card Game
Some of the best art and music on the console, and though base set TCG is really really bad, it's made manageable by a fairly enjoyable deckbuilding experience. (see my Pokemon Card GB2 review)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Cute little micromanagement game, a bit fiddly especially if you want to gold every level but it's a fun little time
Impossible Creatures
Impossible Creatures
UNFINISHED: cool premise but the campaign shares the curse of rts campaigns where it isnt very fun
Midtown Madness 2
Midtown Madness 2
Really fun both in spite of, and because of, its aged awkwardness - in other words, one of the best kinds of old games
Pokémon Red Version
Pokémon Red Version
Honestly you only really feel the loss of a couple of qol changes (small bad and awkward PC), all the other gen 1 weirdness gives it a fairly compelling identity.
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
Not a great campaign, but a surprisingly robust AW-esque strategy game behind it.
Harvest Moon DS
Harvest Moon DS
DROPPED: gameplay that's hollow at best and frustrating at worst, backed by a horrible translation and characters that feel like cardboard cutouts - there's not really anything good to say here
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
Unique gameplay that still manages to be awesome, backed by the absolute peak of the late 90s/early 00s RTS aesthetic. It's fantastic!
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
Most of the mechanics they introduce in the latter half of the game are only counterable by one specific tower whose only purpose is to counter that specific mechanic. This is not how you make an interesting game

Btw I was like 11 when I played this. Like I was definitely a child but it still feels a bit detached from all the other games? I'm leaving it in here anyway. Just want everyone to know I'm not a zoomer (I am a zoomer)
Tough Trucks: Modified Monsters
Tough Trucks: Modified Monsters
it's pretty bad you guys! it's pretty bad!
LEGO Racers 2
LEGO Racers 2
Very plain and uninteresting racer, almost like a knockoff Mario Kart. Incredibly easy and the most trouble you're gonna have is fighting with the bumpiness on half the roads
LEGO Racers
LEGO Racers
An incredibly fun, high octane racer with some really cool mechanics - I just wish there was more of it!
Crashday: Redline Edition
Crashday: Redline Edition
Hits an atmosphere that would be fantastic if it didn't involve making a few too many weird jokes about women. (that sentence is coherent, just trust me.) It's a lot of fun when it's being a racing game, not so much when it's being anything else. A little awkward, but it's cool.
FlatOut 2
FlatOut 2
DROPPED: tries to combine a racing game with a demolition derby style thing. turns out that driving to win means you aren't crashing into many people, and driving to smash into people isn't exactly the best idea if you want to win the race
The Movies
The Movies
DROPPED (? it doesn't really have an 'ending' or anything, but i didn't play super far in): main draw is the custom movie editor, but it's way too coy about letting you actually play with it and strings you along for ages in this really mediocre management sim before it lets you have it. it's also a very fiddly editor so i only got a little bit of novelty out of it before calling it
New Super Mario Bros.
New Super Mario Bros.
ChatGPT, make me a Mario game
Hot Wheels: Bash Arena
Hot Wheels: Bash Arena
The most crusty-ass game that pivots from being a mediocre demolition game to being a weirdly-tight puzzle-racer demanding a lot of planning and execution for a kids game, and becomes a lot better for it. The announcer is something everybody needs to hear before they die
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Pokémon Battle Revolution
i mean it's okay if you have your own guys to bring over, probably sucks donkey ass if you're stuck using rentals
as a game it's okay, maybe even fine, but the jump just feels so good and satisfying that it makes up for the plateful of minor frustrations that come with nearly every other aspect of the game

anyway some of those character designs are a really awful coincidence, aren't they? at least the devs are aware of it, hope they'll do something about it in the seque- oh
Robot Arena 2: Design and Destroy
Robot Arena 2: Design and Destroy
rad as hell creativity playground and if youre even half the freak i am when it comes to these games you will get so much time out of this. unfortunately the gameplay bit itself is a bit mediocre, and it's a half-functional mess that glitches and crashes a lot but it's probably the best we're ever gonna get
UNFINISHED: man i wanna like this so bad but it doesnt take long for it to start feeling like you're expected to be in fever pretty much all the time and its just tiring to have to watch your army drop to like half effectiveness whenever you drop it
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver
playable fmv
- looks like a playable fmv
- plays like a playable fmv


1 year ago

Brilliant list idea!

1 year ago

Holy crap another Majesty enjoyer! Best of luck finishing it without cheats, I used them as a kid and it was balls hard without them as an adult, some of those expansion missions are killer.

1 year ago

Have you played the Mafia remake? It's pretty good, and a big improvement over the original, though the racing mission is still dogshit.

1 year ago

@vee majety enjoyer detected 🤝 i still need to get back to it and try to tackle some of those harder missions. really cool game, was not expecting to like it as much as i do

@zaprowsdower i haven't, i'm vaguely interested in it and i might pick it up eventually, but i probably won't for a while. i am kind of interested in seeing how different it is because i've seen a couple of story scenes from it and the dialogue is completely different

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