thracia 776 accompaniment

loads of fun, wacky and crushing stuff happened in my thracia playthrough, and considering the thesis of my review is the individuality it enables, i thought it'd be a lot of fun to share some of the more memorable moments. stuff that came from my lack of knowledge, ending up in unexpected situations and making the best of them

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 5
Dalsin had to hold the line when an extra reinforcement entered the arena - a level 9 Swordmaster with a Killer Sword. Armed with the Hoðr and Baldr scrolls, he was the only soldier strong enough to take her on - until she procced Adept and killed him anyway, losing not only his life but also both of my scrolls - meaning I had no way to prevent any more crits!.
Realising how quickly things could go south - I lost Asbel(!!) in the previous chapter - I decided to start investing in Nanna as a sort of budget mage. Gave her the Life Ring, and then she levelled move right after!
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 7
I remembered that there's a way to stop the reinforcements, but I didn't remember what that was - this led to me getting squished incredibly hard against the mercenary group, which I still managed to finesse capture the Silver Sword one (Shiva didn't make it, though). They chased me all the way down to the fort which was terrifying, but also let me pinch a couple of rapiers from the cavalry since Lifis is capable of doing that I guess??
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 12
Absolute chaos as Salem sleeps Osian, then sleeps Callion who proceeds to get captured *twice*, needing me to capture his captor to get his 5 weapons back. Lifis runs into the fog of war 14 strength hammer warrior boss which goes as well as you'd expect (he died), and after clearing that out I realised that I'm just softlocked since I can't lower the bridge! Armed with knowledge, I go back and turn 1 warp-capture Salem to get the full-use Sleep, and later on I see... the brigand holding a Bridge Key. Oops!
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 14
I had the infamous Chapter 14 locked down so well that I'd even worked out a good plan to get Tornado and the Master Axe (and the Master Lance - god bless Tina). Warped in Fergus with a scroll to kill the Killer Lance knights (have we been here before), and all four land 30-40% hits on him and just beat him to death normally! I panickedly repair the Warp and send Dean down to finish off the last knight, but forget to give him a scroll!! Thankfully, the unit who *doesn't* get terrain bonuses managed to dodge and get an easy kill, and captured the sleeping boss. He also picked up the Dragonpike, which I wouldn't have got if all this didn't happen. Went so well but so bad at the same time!
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 16A
Tina steals a Sleep Sword from Ilios's crew, gives it to Macha with Vantage, who then proceeds to miss a 99 on the next Sleep Sword guy and get put to bed herself. It's easy to navigate out of that spot with some smart rescuing and trading, I'm mourning the sword use more than the situation itself honestly. Olwen takes Ilios's Bolting and uses it to trash one of the ballistae, with the help of Lara with a newly-levelled point of move, letting Dean fly in safely (Leg Ringed up, so 11 mov!) and dispatch the rest - issue is that I spent too long fiddling around setting that up so Connomor's forces arrived and there's no way I'd be able to finish in time. I commit most of my moves to blocking him off with hopes of a seize next turn, realise that I just can't do that and resort to Schroff having to blow another Sleep staff on him (I have like 30 sleep sword uses now, so hopefully this isn't the end of the world!) and killing his army instead of running from them.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 24x
Knowing vaguely *what* the chapter is without knowing any particular details leads me to playing it in a really tight stealthy way exclusively using warps, rewarps and rescues to move everyone around. My first attempt is an absolute nightmare as Macha dies, I intend to sacrifice Ced to get everyone else out (as he'd be fatigued for 25 anyway) but Sara gets slept and captured, meaning I literally don't have enough warps to get Leif out of the top room. I learn from this for my second attempt as with some smart rescuing I manage to sneak everybody out (including Linoan, who I was *still* ready to sacrifice) without too much trouble.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Chapter 25
I don't actually have much to say here because most of my well-devised strategies were destroyed by THE MOST awful luck I've had in this game (in one of the few chapters where it's *really* hard to plan around as well!), but I really just wanted to share my endgame Sara


4 months ago

Pre fe7 games are just impossible for me to get into, especially genealogy of the holy war (fuck this one) but it was really neat reading about your playthrough, this is a cool idea for a list (-:

4 months ago

I don't know anything about FE but I agree with moschidae that this is a sweet list idea; lil gameplay journal. I might try this next time I do a big RPG.

4 months ago

Awesome list idea!

4 months ago

Love this idea very much.

4 months ago

glad to see people liked the idea c:

@moschidae when i tried genealogy i dropped it out of sheer boredom and ive been a hater ever since but i cant lie i was kinda popping off when seliph showed up in thracia so it might be calling my name...... pray for me

4 months ago

genealogy b like what if 1 fire emblem map took 2 hours to complete and if a unit you care about dies fuck u restart the whole thing bitch

A lot of people love it though so i hope youre one of them if you get around to playing it, praying 4 you...

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