dragon quests ranked by party

not including dq1, 3, or 9 for obvious reasons.
i'm also not including the dq10 party-esque supporting casts but dq10 v4 and v5 would be high up because of quard and irusha being my 2 favorite characters in this franchise respectively lol

favorite of the bunch: hyuza

kind of cheating since this is just adapting the mmo side cast into actual party members, but the writing in dq10 is just something else entirely. just a whole other league to the rest of the series
favorite of the bunch: serena and the spoiler party member

the party all being riffs on the dragon quest 3 classes while having the writing quality of 8's party while being a much larger group makes this one super endearing to me. their arcs are all done really well even if i question the way those arcs have been done in what i played of act 3
favorite of the bunch: barbara

the first dragon quest party to really get the screen time they deserve, especially in the middle segment if you play the versions that have party chat (if you can stomach the poorer art style and worse localization at least). all of them tie into the theme of finding yourself and self discovery super well too, including the hero who usually isnt as much of their own character.
favorite of the bunch: melvin

maybe not as immediately remarkable as some other dq parties, but 7 captures that spirit of adventure and friendship i love about this series as well as having some incredibly poignant moments with them
favorite of the bunch: torneko

the first real dragon quest party, and it's one of the best. the years the series has gone on between remakes and side games has given these characters more time to be characters, but they're still incredibly charming in the original and there's absolutely a reason why they're so popular in the series to this day.
favorite of the bunch: angelo

probably the obvious pick for "best dragon quest party" for most people, but its smaller size kind of makes me appreciate it a bit less. sure angelo and yangus (and morrie in the remake) are spectacular characters who breathe life into what is otherwise a return to form and reestablishing chapter in dragon quest's legacy, but if you're only swinging 3 times it's not that impressive when you hit a home run 2/3rds of the time.
favorite of the bunch: the princess of moonbrooke

there isn't much to say about the party in 2 but they trailblazed a lot for parties in jrpgs being one of the first of its kind to have an actual party, let alone one of more established characters. maybe doesn't have as much depth as the last spot in this list's party, but did so much more for its time that it's hard for me to not appreciate it more.
favorite of the bunch: sancho

after the strong showing in 4, 5 is a bit of a swing and a miss for me. probably the only party i really dislike overall in the era of the parties being actual characters because there's just not much there and what is there doesn't leave an impression. doesn't help that you're typically also going to have recruited monsters in your party taking away a slot from an actual character.


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