634 Reviews liked by feetlikefins

Robocop is humourous in his design and personality, however has an underlying tragedy in their struggles. Much like Garfield

I was never properly trained in it's operation.

I’m going to spoil an early-game puzzle here, without giving you the solution. It’s a little paradox I want to present because it truly embodies La Mulana.

Strength lies at the foot of Futo.

This hint is in an early-game area themed around the history of a family of giants, with their statues dominating each screen you walk through. There are a series of tablets describing their defining characteristics, so you have to find all that information, write it down, and use it to determine who is represented with each carving. Then, there are a few hidden ways to interact with some of them, letting you discern a few which seem identical. If you’re meticulous in your note-taking and experimentation, you can determine the exact statue that represents Futo, walk right up to it, stand at its foot in search of strength, and find…

Nothing. You whip it, use every item you have, poke at everything on the screen… nothing happens. You actually need an item from much later in the game to follow up on this hint, despite your best efforts.

Except, that’s not true. You need to activate a mechanism in the prior area first, then the chest will appear, so if you’ve skipped it, you’ll need to go back.

Wait, that’s not it. It’s that you need to enter that screen from above through a false wall, then whip a normal-looking block at the top to break it, causing a chest to fall at Futo’s feet, which you can then open for your reward.

Actually, that’s wrong. You need to use a weight to activate an invisible mechanism at its feet. Turns out, every giant statue had one of those little invisible mechanisms, so instead of compiling notes and doing research, you could have just lucked out and hit the down button at some point while you were walking around like I did. So, I just went down the line placing a couple weights and got my reward. Zero thought required.

That experience is what it’s like to play La Mulana. You buy the game after hearing how much cleverness is required, how you have to take pages of notes, and how it’s obscure and gratifying. You start your little document, dutifully adding screenshots where necessary, and then find it mostly useless. It occasionally helps, but La Mulana is not a game about testing your intellect or ability to correlate information from different sources. It’s about running into every wall and being sure to whip it a couple times. It’s about killing every enemy on each screen at least once, just in case. It’s about pressing the down button on top of, and to the side of, any suspicious objects. The puzzles and tips are actually, for the most part, straightforward and direct. You can usually read a hint tablet, make a guess at the solution, and be right the first time. However, what you can’t guess is how to even interact with that solution, because it's lovingly crafted to be arbitrary.

That’s why I listed out all those false ideas. I bet if it’s been a long time since someone played La Mulana, they may have gone “ah, of course” at first, because each of those solutions are recurring tropes which apply to the majority of the puzzles across the game. It’s why, after dipping my toe in with a 20-hour guideless hintless expedition, I’m going to shelve it. For all the hype surrounding the confounding puzzles, it requires a shockingly low amount of logical problem solving. Instead, it requires perseverance, and I don’t find that to be a particularly engaging concept on its own. Video games are so comfortable to play that all it takes to persevere is deciding you want to, which means a design like this is forced to do whatever it can to disinterest the player in some capacity. It has to frustrate you, because if it didn’t, there wouldn’t be a game here at all: the central conflict of the player against self wouldn’t exist. La Mulana isn’t bad because of it; it has to be this way.

So, I’m just gonna stop here. I might have continued if the game made me feel smart or skillful, but I don’t want to annoy myself for its own sake, which is what it would boil down to. That core of the experience is probably why my little group has made a ritual of coaxing people (like myself) into streaming it. You don’t get friends to stream normal puzzle games, and you don’t get them to stream simple platformers, but you get them to stream La Mulana. It’s funny to watch people get annoyed, and it gives cathartic schadenfreude to see them fall into traps the same way you did. That leaves your choices for enjoyment being completion of the entire game, laughing at someone, or just saying "fuggit" and doing something else, and personally, I think my chances of success are best with the last option.

On your first time typing "succ" into a computer terminal to steal data from it, you will roll your eyes or chuckle a little.
On your eightieth time typing "succ" into a computer terminal to steal data from it, hitting keys desperately as the minimap shows 5 enemies converging on your position, you will want to roll your eyes but won't be able to because if you take your eyes off what's happening around you you'll be gunned down immediately.

just started playing "video games" when does this "fortnite" show up

Boys will look at this game and go, "hell yeah"

at the start of this game I had yet to figure out that you needed to hold up to grab onto the rope and by holding down and jumping I somehow managed to warp through the ground to the end of the stage like it was a sonic zip. this marked the first and only good experience I had with this game. agdq hit me up



This game is so fucking silly and puzzly and its whacky wahoo ! I love Zooping with my friends and family ! Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop

This review contains spoilers

they've got to understand.
My treatments are making him
smarter at an incredible rate.
It's more important
than training him for war.
You know our
funding comes from the shop.
They want this animal
trained in virtual reality
to use the infrared
battle helmet,
not to recite the abcs.
I won't increase
the dosage of aggression drugs.
He's already exhibiting
behavioral instability
in the virtual battle
What you're suggesting,
could destroy his mind.
There is no choice, Larry.
They don't care about his
intelligence enhancement.
They want his primal rage
centers fully stimulated.
He is to be battlefield ready.
Fucking screw
the political assholes.
He's the best chimp
I've ever had.
simulation engaged.
Primate response
Kill complete.
Let's check out sector 10.
- Okay, check level two.
- Got it.
Kill complete.
Security breach
inside sector 14, level 5. 14,
level 5.
Threat. Evasive.
Check the upper building.
Go! Go!
You two, get over there.
Exit clear.
We have no visual indication,
that any incoming artillery
or ammunition
have arrived or, indeed,
are on the way.
We can report the air raid
sirens are going off.
The military has been silent.
Though a couple of hours ago,
we heard a huge
noise, and it was confirmed
that four kc-1...
Kc-135 supertankers
had left the area. These
are the planes that refuel...
Other fighter planes
and bombers...
American bomber planes over
the area
so they're in the air.
I'm trying to sleep, Larry.
I had a bad nightmare.
Really bad.
God, I hate it
when you smoke in bed.
Oh, Jesus.
Larry, what are you doing?
Answer the phone.
Yeah, hello?
It isn't a robot
we've been building, timms.
It's a living
As project supervisor
and the government liaison,
it is my responsibility
to use the strongest measures
- I listened timms, I've warned
you about the aggression
factors, for Christ's sake.
He's just running the program
we embedded. There you go.
Survival imperatives
are to be expected.
I know all this Larry,
it doesn't change a damn thing
- no, we've got to get in there.
- Obviously progressed
to the next level.
Self-activated reasoning.
It had a plan.
I need him alive, timms.
It killed for real, Larry.
Rosko 1138's mental capacity
has been enhanced
by neurotropic drug
Inside the learning to thousands
of times
that of an ordinary chimpanzee.
His mind has been programmed
in virtual reality
for deployment in battlefield
environments too...
Harsh for human soldiers.
His priorities are
to identify and destroy
the enemy, and...
He has never applied
these skills
beyond the virtual reality
So, we have no idea,
of what he's gonna do!
I got some strawberries.
Somebody in that tree?
Take action.
What are you doing here?
You're bleeding cyboman.
Is that the bad guys?
We could hide in my shed
Nobody could find you there.
Come on, come on.
You'll be safe in here.
None of the flyovers have
come up with anything yet.
But we have to be ready
to move swiftly,
once our subject
is spotted.
Our priority is to contain
this as quickly,
and as quietly as possible.
You know cyboman, if you want,
you could, you could call me
lawnmower man.
Everybody does.
Terry says, that's because
i fix things and,
and I mow lawns, better than
anybody in the whole world.
That's what Terry said.
If you ever want anything
fixed cyboman,
I could fix it for you,
You know cyboman, if those
bad guys come here...
We can go into the church.
You know who's in there?
That boy
was told to take care of this.
He constantly shirks
in his duties.
We can't have
these godless little creatures
at the altar.
It's sacrilege.
Where are you boy?
You're never here
when you should be.
You know what I got?
I got all your best adventures.
Yeah! All of 'em.
This is the one I like, cyboman.
See that?
That's you.
I can't read,
but I look at all the pictures,
and I know what you was doing.
Cyboman you know,
you're my hero.
Are you hungry?
Got it, thanks!
Local police just got
a strange call from the priest
at St. Anthony's.
Said there's some kind
of weird animal at the church.
- That's it, move your men out.
- Let's go, hit it.
We don't need all this artillery
you can just take him out
with a tranquilizer gun. Huh?
Come on, timms, turn off
your ego trip for god's sake.
They're here, cyboman.
They got father mckeen.
All right guys, easy enough,
please very easy.
This is father mckeen,
who placed a 911.
He says there maybe someone
in the building with the animal.
Yes, jobe Smith,
the church handyman.
He resides in the shed.
Jobe? Jobe Smith,
the lawnmower man?
- Yes
- you know the guy?
Yeah, he does my lawns. He's a
local fixture around here.
I don't have a backdoor.
If I had a backdoor...
Jobe's IQ couldn't be more
than 45 or so.
- Oh Jesus.
- And he knows me, timms.
So does rosco.
Okay, I'll go in there.
I'll get jobe out, all right?
You just gotta promise
me one thing.
That I take rosco out alive,
What are we gonna do?
Hello, jobe?
Hello, this is Dr. Angelo.
I live in sycamore Lane,
and you do my lawns every week.
He's Dr. Angelo.
Now, listen to me now.
You have a friend
of mine in there.
Could you and the friend just
come over to the door please?
Can you hear me?
Those are bad guys with you,
Dr. Angelo and they'll hurt him.
And I don't want 'em
to hurt him no more.
Come on guys it's just
a little chimp, easy.
All right jobe, don't worry.
Now listen,
everything is okay,
no one's gonna get hurt.
Uh, he's bleeding you know.
You can help him. Just take him
over to the door...
And I'll be right here.
What are we gonna do, cyboman?
Hey cyboman, could you use
your invisible powers, huh?
Come on,
that's what we'll do.
Okay jobe, nice and easy.
All right everything's okay.
Just cool it guys okay,
just cool it.
- Timms, weapon is visible.
- Prepare to fire.
No, don't shoot!
No, rosco!
No! God!
Hold your tongue, boy!
Hold your tongue.
That was no ordinary animal.
Everyone in this town knows
you vsl people are involved
in unnatural research up there.
You get that thing
off the grounds immediately!
Excuse me, we need to take him
with us for some questions.
You have no authority here!
Jobe has been a ward
of this church
since he was five years old.
In many ways, he still has
the mind of a child,
and I'm sure this experience
has caused him serious damage.
There will be no need
to question jobe.
We are so very sorry,
that this happened here today,
father mckeen,
now, we will of course
pay for any damages.
I will see to it personally,
that vsi makes a large
contribution to the church.
- Tithing is a blessed act.
- And father as far as
what happened here today,
i hope I can have your agreement
to create
as little publicity as possible.
Come on, jobe.
Oh, rosco.
All right.
Let's clean up this mess,
before the whole yahoo town
comes around snapping pictures.
Right. Let's clean it up.
What happened out there today
was truly the work of the devil.
But the lord and I
cannot tolerate
disobedience jobe.
What you did out there today,
endangered this church!
You're not to tell anybody
what happened.
Not even Terry?
Not even
my drunken brother Terry!
No one!
So evil!
Which of...
God's lessons help you
to remember best, jobe?
I won't tell.
Booting audio journal.
Journal entry.
May first, 9pm.
The lowest point in my career.
Amend that...
Lowest point in my life.
A man is dead.
Rosco's dead.
Fucking bastards.
Fucking, fucking bastards.
I'm not kissing
their asses anymore.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Holy Mary, mother of god,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour
of our death, amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Big red.
Oh, another hot one.
It's gonna be a killer.
It's a long way up here.
Jobe! Jobe!
Jobe, lad!
I feel like you
live in the top of a tree.
Come on, boy. Let's go
grass is waiting for you.
Oh, no.
Did me brother have you
doin' penance all night again?
What did you do?
Okay, well...
It's okay, jobe boy.
It's okay. It's me, Terry.
Come on. Here.
Go get a shirt on,
then we'll go, okay?
What have we got here?
Oh, my god,
would you look at this!
You finished big red.
Aye, you're magic
with a machine, boy.
Look at this.
Could we try it?
Try it today, Terry?
I don't see why not.
You have had incredible success,
man, no one is saying stop.
I know...
That's why I'm quitting.
I've been sucking on
the military tit for too long,
I've got a sour taste
in my mouth.
I wanna make something better
than a military weapon, timms.
I'll just find funding in
the private sector, that's all.
You're not thinking straight,
- Oh?
- You signed
iron clad non-disclosures.
Vsl owns it all.
Besides, it might not be
the healthiest thing to try.
They own me?
Is that it?
Is that what you're saying?
What, the company will rub
me out the shop
if I don't comply?
You're being paranoid.
Larry, look, relax.
I know you're upset because of
what happened with--
relax? They want
to suppress my work!
The potentials for
human advancement are endless!
Virtual reality holds a key
to the evolution of the
human mind and that's my focus!
This is something...
And we haven't
had something for a while.
There will be time
for all this, Larry.
You just have to play the game
a little longer.
That is how everything
finally gets done in this world.
why don't you take a hiatus,
and we'll restructure
around here?
You can use the rest.
Hmm. Take a hiatus?
Go fill up the gas can, jobe.
Get me a candy bar.
Hey pop, could you
move that shit before Christmas?
Fill her up.
Hey, Jake,
that's dangerous.
You forget who
you're talking to, half-wit?
That's dangerous.
You son of a--
jobe! Jobe boy, go ahead
and finish what you're doing.
- He's smoking, Terry.
- That's right. I'm smoking.
Why don't you shut the fuck up
and fill your gas tank?
He don't mean no harm.
- You fucking cunt!
- Jake, how's your old man doing?
Worse than ever!
I gotta do everything
around here, everything!
- I gotta wash the pump--
- Jake here,
this is the nectar of the gods.
Terry, Jake.
Ah, fuck you, ed.
Say what's this
i hear about a big ruckus up,
at St. Anthony's, yesterday?
A bunch of cops or something?
- Cops, you say?
- Yeah.
Well, I don't know.
Anything strange going on
over at the church yesterday?
Yeah! Even heard something
about a wild animal.
They killed him.
Killed him, killed who?
He came to see me at my shed.
- Comics, right?
- Yeah, cyboman.
- He came to see me. Uh-huh.
- He came to see you?
- At your shed?
- Yeah
he came to see him at his shed.
- He did.
- He did! Sure he did.
Angelo is
like all brilliant types:
But we tolerate them
at the shop,
as long as they perform.
And Angelo,
has certainly done that.
Project 5 is very impressive.
Mr. director, without Angelo,
there is no project 5.
Well, he'll be back.
One way...
Or another.
Rapid descent.
god damn it, Caroline.
Never unplug a program
when I'm engaged.
You just
ruined the whole effect.
Falling, floating, and flying?
So, what's next, fucking?
What are you pissed off about?
You said you were going to take
me to the city this weekend.
But as usual, you're hooked up
into that machine.
Well, why didn't you remind me?
I did.
Oh, babe, I'm sorry.
Oh, Caroline.
I'm sorry.
This is not a good time
for me right now.
I'm really sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Get ready.
We can still get a hotel.
We don't need to go anywhere
I'm ready right now.
Larry, I want to go.
I don't feel like
being around people right now.
I don't feel
like going to the city.
You never want to go anywhere.
I need your support.
I'm going through
a lot of changes right now.
Well, I'm going
through a lot of changes, too.
You're too obsessed
with your work to even notice.
I'm young, Larry. Okay?
And I'm not going to become
a recluse just for you.
I'm into reality reality,
not this artificial reality.
This technology
is going to change the world.
This is the future...
And you're afraid of it.
Yeah well, it may be
the future to you, Larry
but it's
the same old shit to me.
I give up.
Hey, jobe!
Hey! Hey!
Hi, Peter!
- You've finished big red.
- Yeah!
Hi, jobe.
Hi, Mrs. parkette.
Come over and have some kool-aid
with Peter when you're done.
Yeah, okay.
Thanks, mom!
Peter, look what I got you.
All right.
The nuke masters
special edition!
Yeah. It's 3D, too.
All right.
But where are the glasses?
That's okay. I've got
a pair of my own anyway.
Look at the blades, man.
If you boys listen real careful,
you can hear the panpipes
of the little people
in the grass there.
- Right, Terry.
- I hear them all the time.
Hi, Dr. Angelo.
Can we play
in cyber-boogie today?
Yeah, sure.
That would be fine.
Get your ass over here!
I got to go.
Hi, dad.
Peter, I told you not to leave
that fucking bike in my way!
Didn't I?
- Didn't I? Didn't I?
- I'm sorry, dad.
What is wrong with you?
Didn't I tell you not
to play with that moron anymore?
You want to get stupid?
Get in the house.
I'm tired of this shit.
Come on.
Why did rosco bond
with this retarded man,
I mean he is little more than
a six year old's mentality
for Christ's sake.
Maybe it was his...
Purity, that drew him
to the chimp...
I can only hyspoth...
I can only...
With rosco dead,
I'll never know for sure.
I'm going out with
the girls, Larry.
- I just need to have some fun.
- Okay.
You know, drinking all
that whisky, isn't going to help
your depression. You know it's
probably gonna make it worse.
Yes, you're right, Caroline.
It is probably
going to make it worse.
You have no idea of
what I'm going through, do you?
They've got me boxed in,
and there's nothing
- I can do about it.
- Well if there's nothing
you can do about it,
then why don't you just give up?
Goodbye, Larry.
That's it, Caroline.
Caroline, look I've apologized,
I've said I'm sorry,
what more do you want me to say?
Every time it's the same.
Come on, please give me a break.
Caroline? Caroline?
- Hi.
- Hi.
How are you?
Looks like you've had one
of those days too.
I wouldn't say that
it was the best of days.
Oh, I hope Peter hasn't been
bugging you too much?
Oh, no, no, he's wonderful.
I adore him, he's a great boy.
I mean he's wild for all
the computer stuff that you do.
He reminds me of myself
at that age.
Insatiable curiosity
and cunning.
I wish I had
a little boy like Peter.
Have one!
I think you'd make
a really good father.
I work too much.
Well you borrow Peter,
whenever you want.
Sounds good.
Well goodnight, doc.
Here you go.
Right down there.
Tell her what you want.
Cheese burger, please.
- French fries?
- Yeah
chicken fried steak's
the special, Terry.
Hi, guys.
Hey jobe, what's happening?
New issue of
kung fu cyborgs came in.
Uh oh.
I don't want
these guys to visit me.
They're bad.
They're bad!
Come here, you noodle brain.
Freakin' retard.
Comic books...
Cyboman, it's all shit!
Now I tell you
if I was ten years younger
I'd take his head off.
Jobe! Jobe man, get up.
There you go.
- He scared me, Terry.
- I know he did.
That was the devil himself,
you'll be all right.
Oh... Jesus.
This hiatus
is just driving me insane.
When I think of what
i might have accomplished,
with a human subject.
I've got to find a way
to continue the work on my own.
There's so much to do.
I can't wait any longer.
Hi, jobe.
- Hi, Dr. Angelo.
- How are you?
- Looks like you're working hard.
- Yeah,
I'm a real hard worker.
- Do you like to play games?
- Yeah.
Peter says
you have the best games.
Well, I have a game in my house
that you might like to play.
Would you like that?
Yeah, okay.
okay now, jobe.
Now, remember, one of the four
shapes on the bottom row,
you see them down there?
Matches one of the shapes
on the top row.
So, put your finger on here...
And move that shape...
To the question mark, all right?
Try again. Try again,
okay, here we go.
- There.
- Incorrect.
Don't worry. Don't worry.
Take your time. Take your time.
Here we go.
Correct answer.
- You did it. Very good.
- Let's play another game.
Peter, come here!
I'm going to get you, Peter.
- All right. Let's go.
- Look at that!
Watch out! Holy moley!
Come on, Peter. Slow down.
I'm going to hit the wall.
I'm getting dizzy.
Peter, wait!
Come on, Peter. Come on back.
Peter, I'm getting dizzy.
Game over.
Why don't you go
upstairs and get some drinks?
Hey, jobe. It's okay.
It's just a game.
I was really bad.
Well, you'll get used to games.
Thanks, Peter.
Hey, jobe.
I was flying upside-down,
Dr. Angelo.
Come on. Hop up.
Come over here...
Sit down.
You know, jobe...
I have other...
Different games.
I even have one that
could help make you smarter.
I was born dumb.
You would like to be smarter,
wouldn't you?
I don't know.
Well, if you were smarter,
people wouldn't be able to...
Take advantage of you.
Do you understand
what I mean, jobe?
- Yeah.
- And?
Sometimes they do.
They do.
Can you keep a secret?
Well... I'll tell you one.
I can make you smarter...
But only if you want.
And you must
never tell anyone.
You mean a secret
for just you and me, too?
That's right.
I think you might have
over estimated
jobe's capabilities
and you know, he works full time
as a landscaper,
and he has certain obligations
-to the church.
- Listen, I can assure you
that he'll be
under constant supervision...
And of course,
I'll be making a contribution
to the church,
well, I need the write off.
Well, I'll talk
to my brother Terry,
and see if he can work
jobe part time,
it would only be Christian
to try to help you, Dr. Angelo.
Well, I bet
you already know, don't you?
So don't you tell anybody, okay?
well, you're as healthy
as a mule.
When can we play the games?
Soon, jobe.
I... need to give you
a shot of vitamins first.
I had a shot once,
Dr. Angelo, and it hurt!
This won't.
Trust me.
I'm very good at this.
That looks like a gun!
Okay, just relax your arm.
Relax your arm. Relax.
Look over there.
Look over there.
It didn't hurt.
Just relax.
Your head's going to be
a blank for a while.
All right?
Okay, just breathe now.
- Too dark!
- No, not gonna be in a while.
Just breathe and relax.
That's it.
In a while,
it's going to be like
being up there
with the stars, jobe.
Like going to another planet.
You're gonna feel
a little tingling sensation
in your hands, but...
Don't panic. It's okay.
I'm right here with you.
It's all part of the game.
Okay, here we go.
Cortex stimulation engaged.
- Brain stem strobe enabled.
- Is that my hand?
It's going to hit me!
No, it's not going to hit you!
Just relax. Just breathe.
Strobe velocity increasing.
Journal entry, may 10th.
The electrochemistry
of his brain
has responded
better than I'd expected.
I'm going to step up
the virtual treatments
and increase the dosage
of nootropic drugs.
I should see escalations
in his brain patterns
by the end of the week.
It's too late to turn back now.
Jobe, what's the matter?
I'm hungry-
well, go eat.
His mind is like a clean,
hungry sponge.
Synaptic activity has increased
400% in less than a month.
His human brain is responding
to the nootropics...
And virtual stimulation
more rapidly
than my animal subjects.
Even rosco.
Seizure pattern detected.
Jesus Christ! God, jobe!
Jobe, jobe, jobe.
(Timon, dmon.
It's okay, it's okay.
Okay, relax.
I'm here, you alright?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? You sure?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
That's it, just relax,
let me get these gloves off you.
I'm hungry-
seizure was mild...
If I can keep panic control
over the stem flow...
I should be able to prevent it
from happening again.
The results have
been so exciting otherwise...
I must continue the treatments.
What's that
you're reading there, jobe?
Looks a little strange.
This is exercise for my brain,
Terry, to make me smarter.
Did you know
that the square of the hype...
Let me see that.
Let me see that!
I'll tell Dr. Angelo
that you're here to work
and not to read books!
No wonder
you've been so difficult lately!
Let the boy have his book,
It's not gonna hurt anything,
you're such a pious asshole.
Great effort has kept him
on the straight and narrow...
I'll not have it undone.
Well at least,
he's trying to use his mind,
let him be a man,
he is one, you know.
More drunken nonsense from you,
What have you got
to say for yourself, jobe?
You have to stand up to him,
jobe, boy.
For yourself!
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna teach you
how to drive.
- Today?
- Today!
A man's gotta know how to drive.
Okay! Here Terry, you know
that can make you smarter too!
- Okay!
- Yeah,
what's this second word here?
Go on, go faster, Peter!
Go on, I can catch you,
right now!
Come on and get me,
Peter! Come on!
I'm going to get you now!
You better not get too excited
'cause I'm getting you!
Look, right there!
Come on!
'90!' You!
Game over.
Yes! You nailed it, jobe!
- You nailed it!
- Whoa, that was sketched.
Finally, some real competition.
Yeah, he got you that time,
didn't he, Peter?
You just graduated
to the next level, jobe.
You got a horse?
What are you doing?
Why are you standing there
half-naked, exposing yourself?
What sort of perverted behavior
is this?
You should knock before you come
into somebody's house!
This is my house.
I pay the rent,
I want to cash my checks now
because I want to buy
some new clothes.
And I'm gonna buy
some cowboy boots
and I'm going to make
this... place a ranch.
It's that Dr. Angelo, isn't it?
He's been feeding
the devil in your head!
No, he hasn't!
I'll see to that.
You know,
you shouldn't hit people.
You shouldn't hit people
like that.
Very impressive.
Did you use
the project 5 formulas
and abstracts on this subject?
As a base.
But I've totally reconfigured
both the nootropic
and the cyberlearning programs
without aggression factors.
Of course.
That only makes sense.
I can't believe you went ahead
and did this, Larry.
Look at the comparisons.
It works with a human subject,
It's incredible work, Larry.
So, what do you say?
I've gone as far
as I can in my lab at home.
I need access
to the main lab to go further.
There's no telling
how far I can take jobe.
The shop's scrutiny
is very tight.
Jesus Christ, listen,
all of humanity can benefit
from this, for Christ's sake,
all we gotta do is take the ball
and run with it.
- Very risky.
-If we can keep them out of it
long enough to get
publishable results,
then the lid will be off,
and they won't be able
to control the ramifications.
I can't do this
without your help.
There might be a way.
So, what's it going to be,
Ms. Burke?
Would you check my fluids, Jake?
Do I know you?
I mow your lawn.
You're not the lawnmower man.
Well... wow.
You've certainly changed.
I don't know how you did it,
but I approve.
Ms. Burke, I filled her up
with trans fluid. No charge.
You're welcome.
Well, I'm looking forward
to having my lawn mowed...
She's got the hots
for you, jobe boy.
You got to be kidding me.
She's just teasing
this half-wit.
Look at him. You got him
dressed up like a fool!
I've known her
ever since her husband died.
She's been kicking up her heels
with all young studs in town.
And I tell you,
she wants this young fella.
Don't you call her no whore
around me, old man.
Whores do it for money.
She's got money. She's young.
She does it 'cause she likes it.
I told you to shut up.
Hey, Jake, don't do that!
Okay, lawnmower man.
Dr. Angelo, I think people
can tell that...
That I'm changing.
Just don't draw attention
to yourself, okay?
I mean, just keep doing
the lawn job for now.
It's not going to last forever.
I like doing the lawns.
- That's good.
- I always liked doing them.
That's good.
Are you gonna do to me
what you did to the chimp?
Well, yes and no. I mean,
I'm-- I'm drawing from
that research, but you know,
it's gonna be different,
it's... it's... it's...
Gonna be different.
They're not gonna kill me too?
I have only one goal for you,
that's to make you
the best you can be,
do you understand that? Yeah?
Now unfortunately, there was
another agenda with the chimp,
they tried to create a kind of,
uh, a kind of soldier.
- A soldier?
- Yeah, I mean, the whole thing
was a mistake,
i shouldn't have got involved.
A soldier for war?
Things went wrong.
You're cleared. Go ahead.
Why is this place
so far from town?
The work here at vsi
is government classified...
Top secret.
Oh, okay.
Good afternoon, Dr. Angelo.
It's like a dungeon in here,
Dr. Angelo.
You see this, jobe?
- Holy moley!
- Jobe? Jobe?
Come on. It's okay. It's okay.
This is some
of the most advanced
computer equipment
in the world, jobe.
In these gyrospheres,
we wear full cybersuits,
which allow us to enter
into virtual reality and move.
Your entire nervous system
and endocrine system
will be in sync
with the brain expansion.
Endocrine, it carries
secretions of certain glands
like the thyroid, adrenal,
and pituitary,
which regulate growth.
I think I've discovered
a new planet...
But one I'm inventing
instead of discovering.
I've just sighted the shore
of one of its continents.
biology systems readouts.
Bio-monitors on.
Graph five... engage.
Change brain wave parameters.
Brain wave pattern altered.
Prepare brain stem injection.
Initiate brain stem.
Insertion complete.
Let me off! Dr. Angelo!
Synaptic reaction positive.
My head, Dr. Angelo!
I like it!
Change brain wave parameters.
Initiate second level.
Insertion complete.
...think he likes lemonade?
It's so hot today, jobe.
Why don't you come up
for a cold glass of lemonade?
Oh, Jesus, mother of god,
would you look at that?
Go on, you dolt! Go on!
Jobe, have you ever kissed
a girl before?
- No.
- No? Really?
Give me your tongue.
Give me your tongue.
- Soft.
- Yeah.
I think we should stop
the vr treatments for a while,
jobe, I don't wanna risk
another seizure.
Why? Dr. Angelo, I told you
i feel okay, I really do,
as a matter of fact
i feel better
than I ever felt
in my whole life, I really do.
Maybe, jobe, but, you know,
i just think
we should back off
for a while and get down
-to the good old basics. Okay?
- Basics? What basics?
Totally interactive
virtual teaching,
we've got everything here,
from philosophy to mathematics,
to... art,
science... as you can see,
the chair takes you
into the console.
Okay, we'll start with...
The history of civilization.
What's this?
This is a--
this is an eye tracker...
Put this on your head like that
and use that in unison,
with this.
- Hey, just like in your house!
- This is called a flying mouse,
you use this
to click into the circuit.
Choose now.
And here's the agent,
and he'll take you
-through the subject, okay?
- Yeah, okay.
When you finish with that one,
then just go into the next.
- Okay. Okay.
- I'll be back in a few hours.
Okay. Bye.
I never realized
it was so complex.
So disturbing.
What's wrong, jobe?
What's disturbing?
History, Dr. Angelo.
History is disturbing...
Provides us with a background,
a context to why things are
the way they are...
So many...
Great men and women...
So many noble causes,
and so much tragedy.
How many did you go through?
I went through
the whole series
up to the American revolution.
That's 100 hours of programming.
Yeah, I figured how
to increase bot ratings,
it took only two minutes.
But jobe...
No one can have comprehension
and retention at that speed,
no one.
I did, Dr. Angelo...
Matter of fact, I think
my retention is better
at a higher speed. Normal speed
was only putting me to sleep.
That's impossible.
Do you wanna test me?
That's amazing.
One hundred percent accuracy.
Sweet Jesus!
At this rate, you can assimilate
a phd in two days.
I want to, Dr. Angelo,
i want more discs.
I want more information
on everything.
There's a lot to be said
for slower absorption.
Like, reading a good book.
Taking time to grapple
with the thoughts and concepts
you're exposed to,
not like memorization, jobe.
Dr. Angelo,
I'm not just memorizing,
my mind is blazing,
it's filling with information.
What I've learned
in virtual reality,
makes books obsolete,
it only makes sense.
This is the technology
that transformed me.
They're not gonna believe this.
Rhythm and blues. You like it?
Yeah, sure.
I like it.
You should try
listening to a whole tune once.
You might like it.
Nah, too much to hear!
I get it all by sampling
segments, anyway.
Who taught you how to drive?
{Both laugh]
There you go. Enjoy yourselves.
Jim, you need anything else?
- Hi, Dolly!
- Hi, jobe,
I'll be right with you.
Don't you want to check out
the comics first?
I gave them up, Peter.
- No way!
- Yeah!
Matter of fact, I got
my collection in that crate
in the back of the truck,
I'm giving it to you.
Whoa, awesome! Dudical!
- Order me fries and coke, right?
- Okay.
Are you all right?
I don't got time for this...
I hope he doesn't puke
on the counter...
What's wrong with that fool?
...he's probably
been taking dope.
Look at that guy!
the hell is his problem?
Probably dancing
with the booze lady.
He's having a breakdown...
...oh, man!
Are you all right, jobe?
Peter, I got to go.
Is doctor--
ls Dr. Angelo home?
Yeah, he is.
Asshole's probably
jacking off with his computer...
The things that people think.
Had to use all my concentration
to block it out,
I don't want it
to happen again,
because if it does,
i think I would go crazy.
It's amazing.
Even with treatments stopped,
your abilities continue
to change and grow.
I speculated that
if psychic powers existed
this research would be
the key to unlocking them.
But this is beyond
anything I ever expected.
I mean,
like the accelerated learning.
I mean, the results
are completely unexpected.
Okay, okay.
Well, don't worry, jobe.
I'll sort something out.
I'll sort something out.
I've got to keep
this psychic development quiet,
especially from timms.
Who's timms?
He absorbed Latin yesterday
in less than two hours.
It took me a year just
to learn the Latin alphabet.
God damn,
Larry, I am speechless.
I think it's time we brought
this out of the closet
and report
these results directly
to the department of scientific
intelligence in Washington.
Dsi is bound
to offer you both tits.
The timing isn't right.
There's some factors
that need ironing out.
Well, iron them out.
I'm not going to be able to keep
this quiet much longer, Larry.
I'm preparing Angelo to present
his results to you personally,
as you've requested.
He's met
with incredible success.
Precisely why we feel it's time
for you to guide his efforts
in a specific direction.
Which direction is that?
We're most anxious
to see what effect
the original project 5
formulas will have
on this subject.
Mr. director, if you remember
the aggression vectors
in project 5 caused--
that was an ape, timms.
We want to know what effect
it will have
on a human subject.
It's an essential step
for us to determine
certain covert sector
applications for Angelo's work.
It will be difficult
in the extreme...
To convince Angelo to reinstate
the original formulas.
Then you'll have to be
persuasive... in the extreme.
Run batch five-five.
Program change initiated.
Initiate brain stem.
Brain wave pattern altered.
Jobe, can you hear me,
jobe? Relax.
Shut down theta stimulation.
I'm coming over. Stay there,
stay there.
Endocrine, adrenal
increasing to fatal levels.
System shutdown.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay,
it's okay.
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...
- It's okay, it's okay.
- I saw god!
I touched god!
I was pushing, I was pushing.
I didn't even think
of jobe's safety.
That amount of brain swelling
should've killed him.
Instead, it disappeared,
leaving no lesions.
Somehow the experiment
is out of my control.
I'm stopping the treatments
until I can figure out
what went wrong.
You trying to sneak up on me,
Dr. Angelo?
I doubt that I could.
- How you doing?
- I've synergized
a tremendous amount of data
and you and I have proven,
that most functions
of the brain
are simply lying dormant,
waiting to be awakened.
Esp talent isn't necessarily
a dormant function, jobe...
Fairly large percentage
of the populous
is exhibit it,
to one degree or another.
I've just scanned
a study where a group
of researchers were able
to raise blisters
on the bodies
of hypnosis subjects,
purely through auto suggestion.
We're a long way off
from thinking
to physical manifestations.
Maybe not as far as you think,
Dr. Angelo.
You think I'm moving too fast.
That's why you stopped
the drug treatments
and the virtual stimulation.
Have Patience, jobe...
Have Patience.
Scientific investigations
are a tedious process,
just reach the platinum,
that's all.
Eavesdrop on real people
telling their innermost secrets,
darkest desires...
I saw this woman today...
I couldn't help myself.
“V announcefl
god, he smells good...
...i want to get him up for
something strange tonight...
I can read your mind.
Oh, right.
You sure have
some strange fantasies.
Come with me.
...let's live a little...
Jobe, it's so huge in here.
This will be the best ride
of your life, marnie.
You're the best ride of my life.
In here, we can be
anything we want to be.
I'll see you on the inside.
Wow! It's my hands!
Look at this! Oh, my god!
Jobe, where are you?
I'm right here, marnie.
Come over here.
You're beautiful.
It's from our primal mind.
I don't like it, so let me up.
Jobe, let me up!
Nothing can hurt us in here.
you're scaring me. I want out!
I know what you
really want, marnie,
watch this.
Oh, my god! What are you doing?
Jobe, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Oh, my god, let me up! No!
Oh, god!
brain pattern abnormal.
Automatic system shutdown.
Mamie, mamie, are you okay'?
Marnie, I couldn't stop.
It's done.
Dr. Angelo said
nothing could happen.
I didn't mean to hurt you!
What did Dr. Angelo do to me?
I have to find out.
I can't fly to fucking
Washington tomorrow!
I told you.
I have to resolve some problems
before presenting my work.
This is premature.
I'm not ready.
- You're ready enough.
- Oh, shit.
Be reasonable. I can't keep
this secret any longer.
We can't cut ourselves off
from the hand that feeds us.
I thought you
were doing lawns today.
I wish I were.
Mind over matter, Dr. Angelo.
Not a miracle.
A fact.
I have to run some tests.
Get a clearer picture.
This is all so new.
It's not new.
I realize that nothing
we've been doing is new.
We haven't been tapping
into new areas of the brain.
We've just been
awakening the most ancient.
This technology is simply
a route to powers
that conjurers and alchemists
used centuries ago.
Human race lost that knowledge
and now I'm reclaiming it
through virtual reality.
You're moving too fast.
Even with these new abilities,
there are dangers.
Man may evolve a thousandfold
through this technology
but the rush...
Must be tempered with wisdom.
You're trying to get
inside my head, jobe.
I can feel you pushing.
You realize, Dr. Angelo,
that my intelligence
has surpassed yours...
And I can't allow your fear
of what you don't understand
-to get in the way of this work.
- Oh, dear god.
The treatments have to continue.
We have no choice.
I was terrified of him.
I'm sure he knew it.
He surpassed me, all right.
But his insights seem...
I fear for jobe's sanity.
This Washington trip
couldn't come at a worse time.
We have a change
in our itinerary.
What are you saying, timms?
We're not going to Washington?
We're not going to dsi?
A shorter flight, actually,
you'll be presenting
your results to a branch
of dsi in Virginia.
You mean the shop?
Now you promised me
they wouldn't be involved.
Turn the car around,
will you please?
- Play the game, remember?
- Oh, fuck you!
- Calm down.
- Fuck you!
So as you can see, the results
with this one human subject
indicate unlimited applications
in the area
of mental disability alone.
Such as retardation,
And of course, the possibilities
for education in general
are staggering.
With the proper funding,
we could perfect this
within the year.
Any questions?
The director wants to know
if you've noticed
any significant changes
since the project 5 formula
was reinstated.
We only reinstated
those formulas a few days ago.
Not enough time
for any findings.
Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?
I was going to speak with you
about this after the meeting.
The shop requested
that we resume
the original batch five
with jobe.
You idiot.
You goddamn idiot!
Do you know
what you have done?
There is no telling
what the project 5 abstract
will do to a human being,
do you understand me?
What project 5
will do to a human
is exactly what we want
to find out, doctor.
You know what it did
to Roscoe 1138
and he was the most
advanced chimp we ever had!
Before that, there were
two other chimps,
who got into fits of rage
so severe,
that they tore each other apart!
That's it, isn't it? It's always
like that with you guys.
It only leads to one thing...
Why didn't you include
the development
of jobe's other abilities
in your report, Larry?
Don't look so shocked.
You may have tried to hide it,
but I have witnessed
what your new formulas,
not batch five,
have done to your human subject.
I've had enough.
Make sure he goes
back to the hotel.
What other abilities?
Your behavior cost us
a lot of ground tonight.
I had to talk for hours
to repair the damage.
My behavior?
You fucking sycophant.
You've been lying
to me all along.
- For security reasons.
- Piss off!
Look, without the shop's
financial involvement
this project wouldn't exist.
Then maybe it shouldn't.
I hate to be the one
to break it to you, Larry,
but the concept
of dirty money went out
when the catholic church
got into banking 300 years ago.
It's all dirty money.
For Christ's sake, don't let
some juvenile ethics problem
get 'm your way-.
Your research is too important.
You'll be more realistic
in a few days.
They're going to pick up
jobe and bring him here.
The director wants
a personal demonstration
of his... progress.
They're not going to get jobe.
There's no walking away, Larry.
All right. Let's get him.
Yes, sir.
They're here to pick me up
as well. Right, timms?
You can't leave!
You're integral to the project!
Oh, shit!
Good evening sir,
may I help you?
Uh, yeah, I'd like a car,
right away, please,
anything you got,
I'll take it.
- There you go.
- I believe everything is out,
but maybe there's been a return
-since I last checked.
- Okay, you check it.
Fucking leave me alone
and find him!
There's a sub-compact available,
will that do?
That's fine, I'll just walk over
the lot and pick it up, okay?
If you like,
let me just print this out
and we'll get you on your way,
I'm sorry, I can't wait,
I'm sorry.
Mr. Angelo!
You forgot your car...
Mr. Angelo.
It's too much!
- Oh, shit! Jesus.
- I'm shocked, Dr. Angelo.
You're gonna have
to come with me.
Excuse me.
What do I do with this?
Cover him, cover him.
Devil in your head.
Who you talking to, half-wit?
Which of god's lessons...
I told you not to play
with that moron.
Devil in your head!
Well... there's no need
to panic, timms.
We know where he's going. We'll
send a grab team in tomorrow.
And pick them both up at once.
I want you to get back there.
Cancel Angela's clearance
at vsi.
We don't want him stealing
his work, now, do we?
I'll let you know
what the next step is...
After we've had a chance
to examine jobe Smith.
...give me strength
that I might prepare the way
for those who will not follow...
- Who's there?
- Hail Mary, full of grace...
Who is it?
Who's there?
The church
is closed for the night.
Come back tomorrow.
I'll hear your confession.
I've come for your confession.
I don't want you here
tonight, jobe.
Leave me alone. Get out of here.
The good father mckeen.
Took in the poor idiot
nobody wanted.
What have you done?
The devil's taken you.
Judgment day is here!
Forgive me, father,
for I have sinned.
They're impatient for you.
I have unclean thoughts,
but deliver me.
In hell!
I've used thy name
in profane fantasies.
I have committed
cruel acts of molestation.
Be done!
What are you doing here?
What, you going
to do some night mowing?
You're a strange motherfucker...
And I am too tired for this,
lawnmower man.
So why don't you take
your silly ass
and go trick-or-treating
or something?
Get away!
Okay, okay!
Don't hurt me.
Lawnmower man's
in your head now, Jake.
There's no escape, ever.
Stop taking his side, Carla,
you're treating him
like a little girl!
I'm so sorry, Peter.
Why is dad getting so bad?
I don't know, baby.
He's sick.
Damn kid's toys.
If, in fact,
that occurs, it would mean
he is one
of the select few,
who has been
in every wrestlemania,
all seven of them.
Talk about talented!
How long would Bobby last
south of the border?
What's that noise?
Help me!
You are going to die!
Hold on.
All right. Come on through.
Hell of a thing.
Hell of a thing.
Uh, hello, lieutenant.
I'm Dr. Angelo.
I live next door.
- What's happened here?
- Oh, thanks for coming over.
You saved a trip. We're taking
statements from all neighbors,
just to see if they saw
or heard anything unusual.
There's a little boy.
His name is Peter.
Has anything happened to him?
Oh, no, he's fine.
It's just his dad--
excuse me, lieutenant.
Where's the rest of him?
- Did you say the birdbath?
- Birdbath.
the wife and the kid,
they're getting ready
to go down to the station.
Said they slept
through the whole thing.
Didn't hear or see anything.
Didn't hear anything.
The lab boys tell me
that somebody chased parkette,
through the house
with a power lawnmower.
I would have thought that
would have made some racket.
Crazy with the heat.
all over town last night.
What else happened last night?
Well, somebody torched
poor old father mckeen
with a flamethrower
or something.
Must have been a Satan cult
or something.
Either that or that weird human
spontaneous combustion thing.
That really happens sometimes.
Hell of a thing.
- My god.
- That's not all.
Marnie Burke was found
this morning
wandering around the street
stark naked,
laughing her ass off,
flipped out.
The psychiatrist figured
she'd probably witnessed
one of the murders,
and she's just in shock,
but I've seen people
flipped out before,
and this girl was flipped out
for good.
I don't believe
she'll ever stop laughing.
Two bizarre murders
in one night.
Well, this world
is chock full of nuts, cooley.
Don't forget that.
Weirdos, schizos, bozos.
Accidents happen.
That's all there is to it.
Two bizarre accidents
in one night.
You were just calling them
Oh, no, no, we'll just
file a routine report.
Just clean and tidy.
Oh, Peter, come here. Come here.
It's okay, son. It's okay.
How did this happen?
It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
Hi, darling.
I've been cooking
for you all day.
Would you like something
from the oven?
Caroline, where's jobe?
Caroline, where's jobe?
Jesus Christ, jobe!
Jesus, come on.
I gave myself a boost, doctor.
Virtual reality is not just
a simulation,
it's a whole other world.
A new electric dimension.
Utopia, doctor. The utopia
that men have dreamed
for a thousand years
and I'll be the conduit!
- Jobe?
- You wanna create monsters.
You killed two people, jobe.
You gotta let me help you.
Help me?
I'm going to help you,
Dr. Angelo.
I'm gonna help all of you
cleanse this diseased planet.
This technology has
peeled back a layer
to reveal another universe.
Virtual reality will grow...
Just as the telegraph grew
to the telephone...
As the radio to the TV...
It will be everywhere.
You're having delusions, jobe.
Struggle for reason.
I'm going back to vsi...
To complete the final stage
of my evolution.
I'm going to project myself
into the main frame computer.
I'll become pure energy.
Once I've entered
in the neural net...
My birth cry
will be the sound
of every phone on this planet
ringing in unison.
Listen to what you're saying.
The first sign of psychosis
is a Christ complex.
Please listen to me, jobe, okay?
The project 5 abstracts
that you were exposed to
were never meant
for the human mind.
You've had a psychotic break!
Let me try to reverse that.
What are you blocking?
You can't hide anything
from me, Dr. Angelo.
So the shop
is coming to pick me up...
And you've betrayed me,
haven't you?
Do you boys need anything?
Caroline, snap out of it--
fucking bastard.
I'd like to proceed
to Angelo's residence, sir.
Very well. Leave
the Van's cameras on transmit.
I want to monitor from here.
Yes, sir.
Now you can witness
the impossible, Dr. Angelo.
Good evening, ma'am, I'm here
to see Dr. Angelo, is he in?
Yes, he is.
I'll get him for you.
What the hell?
I'm going back to vsl now,
and once I'm inside
the mainframe,
I'll have access to over
5,000 other databases.
And from those 5,000,
I can reach out again
and again and again...
Eventually inhabiting
the entire planetary network.
By the year 2001,
there won't be a person
on this planet,
who isn't hooked into it...
And hooked into me.
I'm sorry you hate...
What you have created.
Right, jobe.
I'll be right there.
The good Dr. Angelo
has been working
on something else
behind our backs.
He's developed a fantastic
new energy weapon.
I've observed a demonstration.
It's very advanced.
I want you
to gather his research...
All disks, hard copies,
Erase the files
from the mainframe there,
then transport it
all here, personally.
No, i-- I can't believe it.
Not Angelo.
Not a weapon.
He is totally opposed.
Believe it, timms.
He took out two of my men
in a way...
I've never seen before.
I sure have been missing you,
Peter, where are you going?
Peter, I want you
to come right back.
Jobe, jobe, wait up!
Dr. Angelo?
Hey. Dr. Angela?
Dr. Angelo?
I told him to come down here
and pick me up after work.
- Hey. What's going on here?
- What the fuck?
Hey, what did you open
the gate for?
We didn't.
Some kind of malfunction.
That's it. The back. That's it.
Can you do it?
Did the same guy
that killed my dad get to you?
Yes, Peter.
I'll explain it all later.
Go upstairs and tell your mother
to call the police.
Don't worry. Go on quickly, go.
Quickly, go!
Erasing 261 y 8k.
Confirm erase?
There's a little problem
with the main gate.
It opened by itself,
and it won't close.
Send everything you've got
down to the main gate.
- Right.
- Now!
Welcome to vsi mainframe.
Please enter passcode.
- Analyzing. Pass code cleared.
- Got it!
You have access
to the network node.
File 15 blocked.
What is it? What's happening?
Someone's hacking the mainframe
from the outside.
They're in, and they're running
a computer virus
that's placing triple key
encryption codes
on all outside access
and network connections.
What the fuck does that mean?
We're being cut off.
The main frame will be
totally isolated
in less than two minutes.
Off the net.
Something's wrong.
I can't even get an operator.
Okay... okay!
What's going on?
I can't explain now,
but I need the keys to your car.
- My car?
- I understand.
But I need to get to vsi,
this is an emergency.
- Jobe's there, isn't he?
- Yes, Peter, jobe needs my help.
- Why is jobe at vsi?
- Carla, go get the car, now!
Holy shit!
I have to go now, Terry.
Well, okay, jobe.
What are you doing here?
Leave me alone!
I'll wait for you
down the road.
No, I want you out of here
as fast as you can. Okay?
But I want to go with you
to find jobe.
I understand, Peter.
But I want you to stay
with your mother, okay?
Peter, get in the car.
Larry, be careful!
- We'll wait here, okay?
- Okay.
System overload.
Automatic shutdown inoperative.
Oh, my god, jobe.
I can't believe this.
terminal activity control.
Now to get out of here.
Simple combination.
Access denied.
Access denied.
Oh, jobe, what's happened?
He really did it.
No. No, denied?
No! Denied?
Access denied.
No! I must find a way out!
I can't believe this!
No! I must find a way out!
I can't let you do it, jobe!
Yes, me.
You did this!
You cut the network connections
but I'll find a way out.
All this power
isn't meant to be
in the hands of one person!
You're wrong!
You need to be led,
just like everyone else.
It's a basic need.
This technology is meant
to expand human communication,
but you're not even human
What you've become terrifies me.
You're a freak!
Your naive idiocy
makes me very angry!
Access denied.
Access denied.
This universe is mine.
I am god here!
I sense your thoughts.
What are you hiding?
The bombs.
Jesus, the bombs.
- You forced me to.
So you were willing to die?
I'll stop them!
You can't defuse
the bombs, can you?
You lost all your power
over the physical world
once you transferred in here.
So you've given me
one final game to play.
I find a way out, or I die
in this diseased mainframe.
But that's not my destiny.
I have things to do,
people to see,
a billion calls to make.
You will die in the explosion!
You're trapped. You're trapped
in here, aren't you?
You're trapped right here!
Peter is here.
Jobe, he's in here.
He's going to die!
Jobe, please!
Please, jobe!
Don't sacrifice Peter.
You and I have been responsible
for so much destruction.
What's happening?
Dr. Angelo... jobe?
I don't want more death.
Go. Save him!
come back with me.
Peter? Peter?
Access denied. Access denied.
Help! I'm lost!
We've got to get out of here!
The whole building's
going to blow up!
The door's locked!
It won't open!
- Jesus!
- Open.
Oh, Peter.
- Where's jobe?
- Jobe's dead, Peter.
So are we
if we don't get out of here.
Oh, no!
Get down, Peter, quick!
Get down, get down!
Oh, god!
Access denied. Access denied.
There's got to be one.
Let me in!
Come on.
Come on, quick! Quick!
Peter, come on.
Where is it?
Access denied. Access denied.
Maintenance line.
Access granted.
A back door!
Ha ha!
Get out of here! Go, now!
July 10th.
Last journal entry for a while.
I won't let jobe's death
be for nothing.
What happened to him
is my responsibility.
For some reason, I've been
given a second chance,
so I'm taking my work
I can't let it fall
into the wrong hands again.
If we can somehow...
Embrace our wisdom...
Instead of ignorance...
This technology will free
the mind of man,
not enslave it.
We're ready.
They'll be here soon.
Okay. Let's go.

When I lived in Osaka briefly, I visited some of the bigger arcades in the area. On one such visit I saw a fairly old man playing an Initial D game with a giant wheel, racing chair and all that shit. The Eurobeat was insanely loud and he drifted flawlessly throughout the entire track.

The next day I went out in search of a console version and found this. Obviously not as extravagant as the arcade, but a great game, with one of the best soundtracks out there. Decent customization, a fair amount of courses, and the cutscenes are presented like manga panels. You do get to try and balance the cup of water on your dashboard. Really fun to pop in for 20 minutes and mess around

Without a doubt the worst Megaten game in the franchise - that one star comes from the art which is pretty cute. A baby has enough tactical sense to beat this game without any losses. I genuinely believe you could, with a sophisticated series of tubes and treats, train a mouse to beat Another Bible. Bland map design and gameplay that gets stale after five stages.

The intense reality of this game set in when a real life cockroach crawled across my keyboard and up my actual fucking arm. All during the boiler sequence, admittedly.

Horrific. I'm moving out.

This shit is so good I never thought it’d be possible. It’s not the best Metroid but it’s a damn good one with the best boss fights in the series hands down. The only part of this game that’s lacking for me is the music. It just doesn’t have the same presence as the other games do, and it sounds like they were trying to emulate the soundtracks of other games when they really could have gone all out with one that sounds unique to the franchise

a few thoughts about an hour after finishing it

-ctrl alt ego's success largely exists due to it's mechanical honesty. the developers know what the game excels at and lean into it heavy. it's ambition is evident but it's mastery and understanding of what it wants to do is palpable.

-level design is huge and constantly rewarding to explore, at it's peak in chapter 7 where it's almost segmented into five different micro levels, all with different ways of tackling each area.

-the first six chapters are all great, and i spent multiple hours in areas in the first two chapters and chapter six respectively, but the mission progress feels more linear and checklist like. the early levels feel like looking at your grocery list in a supermarket you've been going to for ten years, while the later levels feel like doing your groceries in a brand new supermarket.

-there's not a full commitment to the "disembodied ego" idea, with the game being spent controlling the Bug (the body the player is given) for 75% of it's runtime. some of the best moments in the game involve getting through entire rooms without using the Bug, or setting up the Bug for success before entering the room, but I'd love to go a whole chapter without controlling the main body.

-the story had potential for real comments on the human spirit/ego as a whole but honestly i LOVE that they chose not to do that and instead went for a smaller more contained story. the story is not that good in any real sense, yet it doesn't bring the game down due to it's smaller scope. think if they committed less to the identity of Dr Everyman it could have worked

-the first big boss of the game presents itself as a puzzle (the game tells you to think of it as a puzzle instead of a boss fight), but disappointingly, i managed to kill it by taking it into a loading zone the game wasn't expecting it to go. not the game's fault in a design sense, and i wouldn't mark it down for it, but still disappointing.

-often the player will be shown a music player, which will play a groovy tune, but the tune won't follow the player outside of when the player controls the music player itself. i wish it did! put a radio in bug or something! i want to jam out!

-did not like the "annoying bugs", they felt far too fast and hard to kill. wish there were more creative ways to deal with them

-sort of love the developers honesty throughout the game. at one point the narrator says that there's no real failstate, sort of brave to tell the player "Hey! You can't actually lose!"

game is real good, leaves a little to be desired but it does exactly what it wants to do and it's ambitions are worth the price of admission