634 Reviews liked by feetlikefins

in my Ideal Utopian Society, people who use the shortcut in snow barrel blast would have their gaming license revoked...!

the bush family is playin with that voodoo bad

bogwater oil company crusader propaganda disguised as the closest to an arcade game people born after 2000 will have statistically experienced. i did try to play it with genuine video game enjoying intentions (best moment was a noobtube headshot across the river and into the house on overgrown) but that desire just went away after getting even more depressed every time i looked at my statistics on the leaderboard, friends or global, it didnt matter. pointless statistics in a scheme run by the powers that be.

in order to fight off this game's primary intent (convincing teenagers to go die for an oil company under the guise of education, in its heyday i almost succumbed to an ammosexual autism spearheaded by this very computer program) i would proceed to nearly become another statistic (victim of the opioid crisis), join a hardcore search and destroy lobby (de_ for the cstrike fiends) attach a rubber band to the right analog stick to spin around, and another rubber band to attach a shitty earbud to the 360 headset mic, load up a soundboard on a laptop and wreak havoc upon the Most Serious G*mer's, absolutely convinced there was another human on the end of that mic, as i spun around rapidly in spawn, letting the rounds drag on as i hear the degrading words degrade into sounds no longer resembling words. that was the most fun i had within the metaverse of call of duty 6 lobbies on microsoft direct-x box three hundred and sixty's Direct-X Box Live Gold Connectivity service. i wouldn't be the f[THIS USER CAN SAY IT!]got i am today without the stern encouragement of the average microsoft Direct-X Box Three Hundred And Sixty's direct-x box live gold connectivity service user.

alteriwnet was alright too

If Spelunky 2 could speak: Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant.
I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back, why? Cause you keep smelling the syrup, you worthless bitchass fella!
You're gonna stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life, your purpose in life is to play my game sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to play blowing a dick daily.
Your life is nothing, you serve ZERO purpose.
You should kys, NOW!
And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer that's covered up so we can breathe inside this blue trapped bubble.
Cause what are you here for? To worship me? Kys!
I mean that with a hundred percent with a thousand percent.

Apocalypse is one of my favorite Megami Tensei games - to me, this game offers some of the best combat and boss fights in the franchise, with a wide variety of quick, addicting side quests to keep you constantly engaged and seeing new opponents. The writing, while largely pretty corny, wraps around into being cool as shit near the end with one of the most outrageous power trip endings of all time. I refuse to believe the Anarchy ending wasn't intentionally written as the ultimate payoff for people who did not like this game's cast.

Last Bible III is a beautiful game that caps off 60,000 years worth of in-universe plot progression. Everything from sprite art to the soundtrack are insanely well done, and the combat is the most polished out of any classic Megaten title. If you haven't played this you probably want to punch me in the face but seriously give this one a shot

First things first, yes its 4.5 cus I'm upset that negan isn't in this game and I'm doubly upset that the closest replacement is an annoying character who's personality is drinking caffeine, a substance i unironically believe should be criminalized. But other than that this game is everything I could want from a Tekken 8. It's quick and easy to play with friends and there's less downtime between matches, thank god. Tekken 7 was my most played fighting game ever and im here for this games launch i cant wait to see how good i get at this game. Im gonna get so good and beat all of you, just watch.




the art direction in JRPGs are always so amazing but its immediately weighed down by the fact that its an JRPG

Glover is a horror game marketed as a cute 3D platformer. The hub world you start in is a desolate, red-tinted wasteland of decay, and each of the stages are like surreal funhouse locations. Glover is based around a popular real-world concept, having hands and wearing gloves, and yet he doesn't even have five fingers. I will say to its credit that the final boss is on a whole new level of insanity if you can make it that far. Keep your kids away.

One of the only games where jump kicking a guy in slow motion, unloading an entire magazine into the rest and then shooting a grenade out of the air is a regular part of the gameplay loop and can potentially happen every few seconds. This is one of the best shooters period, with AI that rivals most games today.

Imagine a game called Chuck E. Cheese's Modern Warfare. You'd probably think that was some dumb shit and wonder who it was for. Last Bible Special is the same deal. The point of Last Bible was to distinguish itself from mainline SMT and provide a different experience than first-person dungeon crawling, but with similar mechanics.

Naturally, they made this a hardcore dungeon crawler with almost no relation to Last Bible. It has a very cool class system with dozens of options for party building, and a neat Middle Eastern setting - but just about everything in this game relies on random chance, from recruiting team members, to getting critical quest items, to having weapons break, and even reviving fallen allies. It's a messy and cumbersome game that doesn't respect your time whatsoever, and definitely leans more towards luck than skill. To top it off, the soundtrack is reminiscent of slamming piano keys underwater, and I'm not saying that to be funny.

Finally got around to playing this and it’s pretty fun. Almost worth the $60 price tag on its own which is good because I don’t want to play through 3D world again. I’m having a good time playing it with my wife even though co-op kinda sucks in this. Bowser Jr. seems really not fun to control. Gonna keep playing this one until we get all the shines or we don’t. My score might go up later but for now I’m feeling a decent to a light to a strong 3 and a half on this one. Oh also they really didn’t need to turn Plessie into a cat. There are some creatures in this world that do not need to also look like cats. That thing is an insult to god.