imma man imma man imma spider-man imma do whatever a spider can C'MONNN

I got a copy of this in Galway on holiday one year. Loved the original MUA. There was one puzzle in this that took me forever to beat. Replayed the opening 5 mins of this today and was confronted with how incredibly unplayable this version of the game is.

Tonally jarring, incredibly confusing, archaic, rushed, an incredible experience all 'round.


I'm more used to "an hour of NCIS solving a murder" not "interminable dialogue dumps about NCIS fighting an international terrorist cell" to be honest. Really bad plot that keeps inventing reasons to add more bloat to the point of incredulity.

Today marks not only the beginning of Operation 3DS (in which I try to play every 3DS game in order of release - as close to completion as possible - you can follow my progress on Gamer Era I guess) but also a return to a 2011 mindset for an upcoming episode of The Pauldcast (both it and Gamer Era can be found wherever you get your podcasts) and honestly, I think this is maybe the most time I ever spent playing with these in-house AR games. I still had the cards, so it was nice to use them again after about 13 years in storage (wow! I feel old) but otherwise it's kinda just limited by the circumstances of its own existence, much like myself.

The most LEGO-y LEGO game entry into this brief Marvel sub-series. Kind of boring to be honest.

Spent the last minigame pulling my hair out trying to make a terribly-placed jump before learning there was a secret run button that let you do a running jump to get over it. Life-altering.

Incredibly clunky, with additions that serve only to complicate a formula that was simplified to perfection and a roster that only serves to highlight how fucking stupid Marvel's higher-ups were in the mid-late 2010s with regards to Fox's movies. You can feel the absence of X-Men/F4, especially the latter when it comes to the plot of this one. Mapping two different functions to the same button is also quite silly.

Played 7 minutes. Not for me.

Quite infuriating but still. Still. Power Wash Simulator? I hardly know her.

Kinda lost steam playing this after a few weeks, which coincided with a lot of personal stuff and a lot of other games. Good game, kinda happy to just let it sit for a while, and all that.