157 Reviews liked by filmbrando

I love how buckbeak fuckin hates ron for no reason

I wish this had ridiculously vast lore

Barber fucked me last week and gave me mandark's head

Imagine if this game was automatically uploaded to phones like how that u2 album was

We should be thankful

Holy shit this was like crack

I remember having to fight spiders in this and crying for hours cos they were so scary

Tony hawk, are you proud of the monster you birthed?

It's just like The Iron Claw

Thought it was a bit weird how they put feathers mcgraw in a blender at the end and turned him into a milkshake

It's like being handed an empty dinner plate

Absolutely fuck the forbidden forest too scary

Horrendous physics, annoying movement, terrible aiming, incredibly stupid and unfair at points. It made me rage quit many times. Yet was also one of the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time. I'd always come back to it even though it's certifiably janky ass. Good game. Would buy.