really good combat and story brought down a bit by mmo style quest structure. side quests are generally boring except for a few funny ones (the lost pet one and the one where the boy was being attacked by a wolf specifically). some of the boss fights are the coolest thing ive ever seen in a video game with insane power scaling and platinum games moments. soundtrack is also amazing. good game

ive played almost 30 hours and over 200 online matches so i feel like i can finally review this game, and well, its good

man i really like this game, its just a shame it looks like that and STILL runs like that, with no sign of any of the bugs getting fixed. we will see what happens when the dlc gets released i guess

i started playing this when my skill in iidx started stagnating and now im buying a cabinet. its alright i guess

one of my favorite games of all time and even a botched port couldnt change that, still feels better to play than like 99% of games out there