i don't care for rpgs which is probably why i like this game so much. probably lame to compare this to david lynch but the gameplay doesn't matter here the same way who the murderer in twin peaks is doesn't really matter. just enjoy the ride

the hammer bro in 8-4 can go fuck himself

never played the story i just gamble all my money away on the horse races then get blown up by some cunt in a helicopter

some guy wrote a review on rateyourmusic about how he smoked weed and played this while listening to bjork and honestly i have been chasing that lifestyle ever since

better than super mario bros.

how do they never run out of gas

ah shit here comes pacman

top 600 in ireland. not to brag but i kind of get bitches


"welp, when things get tough might as well get in the truck" (read this in an american southern accent)

emerald hill zone bassline goes hard as fuck

can sony give me a good game for my 60 quid playstation plus subscription. idk just throw me a bone, anything

i have to follow an ign walkthrough while playing this game but it lowkey rules if you ignore the fact that it's shit