Log Status






Time Played

2h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 1, 2024

Platforms Played


Game is short and has a lot of the charm and replayability of Beeny. I'd appreciate some more restriction and stuff to do in-game.

They were aware of the size of their levels and made it so it was fun to move around in them quickly. Good objectives and variety in the levels, and environmental stuff. I liked revisiting all the levels at the end and in a second playthrough. They probably could have reused some more things later, especially from level 5.

There are a lot of nitpicks that I feel like wouldn't have been huge problems to add to the game. There's no menu to manage save files or exit the game without Alt-F4ing. I also didn't know about crouching until I completed the game and hit Ctrl, that's not mapped on controller and there's no obvious way to remap controls.

Some harder improvements I'd appreciate in another game are camera cues and ways to make the movement not-as-free to sequence-break in the tower or tall-wall levels. I played the game twice, but in later playthroughs I need to restrain myself from climbing the walls so much in some levels.

I'll gladly play a sequel to this game to see what they can do with more levels.