Hell yeah WAR CRIMES!!!!! :DDDDDD


De estos juegos que puedes ver que están hechos con amor.

I found it very fun to play even though I just played the default map. I should return to it someday.

Really makes you wonder about of evil Nintendo can get, this is one of the best fangames that has ever existed.

I yawned a lot, the aesthetic isn't the problem, is just that there a lot of games like this one, I enjoyed it a bit though, but wasn' interested.

No Pokemon game will make me feel like this one, it has everything: interesting NPCs and story, a map full of things to do and a large postgame, maybe on par with Pokemon HGSS.

Great game about learning to back off and try some other time, you don't have to stress yourself over the same thing and should take a rest if it's starting to take a toll on you.

Now this is something, I'm fine.

Short Dark Souls Silent Hill and Blame! mix, the sequels also seem to have a lot of potential, really hope the best for the author!!!! it's a very interesting game.

La mejor sorpresa que he tenido jugando a algo, no esperaba mucho pero me encontré con un juego que toma las superestructuras de Blame! o GLT y las convierte en algo mágico.

Interesting game about Euclidean geometry, you might not learn anything, but it's a curious game and very recommendable if you like these kinds of strange puzzle games.