30 reviews liked by fries

Konami's Short Message to Silent Hill fans is go fuck yourself

I'd be lying if a said it was good (it's not [it's bad]) BUT I really enjoy it. From characters, music, gameplay, it's real neato.
Just don't ever get it on the Switch because it's sooo laggy.

Joguinho gostoso d+, até hj é mt bom, só senti falta de um foco maior na narrativa dentro das missões ao invés de apenas fora, os melhores momentos foram de longe os twists ou interações com cutscene/dublagem.

Um aspecto que eu amo desse jogo é que o custo de opeção do mecha é mt alto, pra vc realmente ganhar dinheiro o jogo te recompensa por não explorar todos os cantos do mapa e ignorar todos os inimigos fora do caminho da missão, tu entra no mindset do soldado 100% uberizado.

Recomendo pra quem for jogar pegar uma rom UNDUB, com a voz em japones.


easily one of the best metroid games. i think super excels just a bit more with its atmosphere and its soundtrack, but dread controls so well and it takes all the best aspects of previous metroid games. imo it has the best finale in the series too.

Radahn is the coolest boss in the history of everything

Absolute masterpiece.

Elden Ring is one of the greatest games ever made. The combination of the mechanics from the Souls games, and the open-world gave birth to a truly engrossing adventure with an incredible (and terrifying) sense of exploration and discovery.

You truly feel you're venturing into the unknown and only surviving with your wits and skill.

reimagines the typical moody and existential fromsoft aesthetic into something much more fractured, surreal and exciting.

landscapes of rolling green pastures are violated by sudden, violent juttings of cliff faces, and bathed in an unnatural autumnal glow. lakes shrouded by mist and dense with trees are tightly enclosed by dramatic, thin strips of cliff overlooking a vast ocean. regions so marred by war and pestilence that the sky runs blood red and the landscapes are pocked by mutated tumors.

there's probably stuff to be said about fatigue from too many of these games over the last decade, but it really can't be overstated what an incredible piece of visual fantasy elden ring is, how beautifully, horrifyingly, and quietly evocative it is. a masterpiece

even if you felt disappointed with Elden Ring you have to admit that it was worth seeing the mask off moment of those western devs and their absolute hubris and lack of sportsmanship