go get that happy ending of yours. you earned it.

haruhi nishimoto you will always be famous

phenomenal game with some of the most riveting writing ive ever read, could not stop until i reached the end. the atmosphere is immaculate, there was a moment where the soundtrack hit and i realized "oh i fuck so hard with this." love the protagonist and the pov she provides too, someone barely keeping it together that could snap at any moment. everyone here is so unwell. its criminal how good this is and i cant wait for more.

Class VII was a sociological study conducted by Nihon Falcom. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

this is a good game if your heart is beautiful and also gay. komimi is like a son to me.

beautiful visuals, music, and vibes, both in its day to day and in its horror. includes a 10/10 church girl.

i feel like this game had a lot of potential but by the end it ended up feeling incredibly disappointing. right out of the gate it sets up a lot of really cool hooks that don't really deliver by the end, which is sad and frustrating, it almost feels like something happened halfway through development that turned it into a mess. this game haunts me.

very cool game, love the characters and the team building is fun

genuinely blown away by this game. incredible ride of a story whose twists and turns keep inventing new ways to hurt you, an all-timer.

no force is greater than the power of love and hope and friendship and all that is beautiful in the world

amazing game with a really cool concept and a banger integration of its themes of identity and the self. does have its flaws in hindsight, but the parts it does well it knocks out of the park.

this is one of the most fun games ever made. its goofy as hell which makes it a good time to just be there for but it also has some real heart and genuine sentiment to it.

this game is truly something special and its wild that it exists

i hate the man that made it but i love the vision