8 out of 10!


5 out of 10
A poor man's Smash 4

6 out of 10!

A little overhated in my opinion, but still a lackluster entry in the Smash Bros series

7 out of 10!

A huge improvement over the first game

6 out of 10!

Lots and lots of funny memories



6 out of 10!

This game got me through middle school

I give this a 4 out of 10.

Blade the Hedgehog is my goat

I give Elden Ring a perfect 10 out of 10!

I've been replaying Elden Ring ahead of the DLC coming up next month, and man. This game is just unbelievable. It's such a milestone in the industry that almost seems impossible to be real. The open world is so vast and FILLED to the absolute brim. I find it hard to believe sometimes. I've done countless runs, poured HUNDREDS of hours of my life into it, and the game is such a massive W for all of gaming. I personally prefer the linearity of Bloodborne and DS3, especially for fresh runs. However, the very first run of Elden Ring was just pure magic. I know I'm glazing this game hard right now, but it deserves it.

I give Super Metroid a perfect 10 out of 10!

Super Metroid is just such a great milestone for gaming. It's timeless, and almost UNIVERSALLY agreed to be the best Metroid game. It has inspired so many games like it, booming the metroidvania genre. I love Super Metroid, and it's been 30 years without aging bad, I know it'll go another 30 the same way.

I don't know what new I can input to the conversation about this classic, but I know for a fact that it is a staple in not only the SNES era, but the history of gaming as a whole.