the result of the game is contrary of friendship, I would recomend it to a couple who wants divorce

When the priest said "forgive me father" I cried

I was not expecting nothing from this game, a very positive surprise (I love tax evasion)

Very short coop puzzle game, I like the concepts and lore of Cube Escape, but it aways confuses me.
I havent played it again for the other perspective and puzzles, but with one run I alredy liked it.

I love puzzles and hate my friends

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Cute graphics with some discortant things like the monster itself.
The puzzles are pure math, to me it was easy, but involves advanced logic live knowing factors, multiples and prime numbers by head.
I can see potencial to future projects of the devs

I love my country. Besides that great history, it catched me from the beggining to the end, I feel there is more i have missed, ansious to play more from the devs

Lucifer himself made a game about ponies, butterflies and kiling Jesus. Biblical accurate.

i think as a white assexual man i have missed half of the meaning, still a great game, loved the adaptation to portuguese

average experience on a brasilian worker day

eu não estava entendendo nada, dai eu vi que o Jeppe Carlsen estava no projeto e entendi porque não entendi nada