I think I like the first game more overall but I find the match 3 in this game a lot more difficult and fun. This game is also racist in like a way worse way I'd argue with sprinkles of transphobia due to the developers cowardice. Some of the pairings have so much potential to be explored but alas they are very surface level. All the girls look kind of weird in this game in the way they're proportioned. I don't know it's hard to describe my feelings towards this game. Also the final boss girls have really lame designs.

This game is so racist in retrospect it's kinda crazy but the second game is worse. I love match 3 and the match 3 in HuniePop is very good. I love beautiful women and the women in this game are kinda weird looking but they're not cardboard cutouts for characters and I like that.

Am I allowed to say I hate this game if I have 4000+ hours on it

The Walking Dead is my favorite franchise of all time. This game, in my opinion, shows off everything about this franchise that there is for a person to love. The family dynamics and how they change as the apocalypse goes on, the human conflict, the zombie conflict, I love it all! I just love the Walking Dead and my love for it started here :D

Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah

Love this game down but my god do some of those little qtes and minigames make it awful to replay certain chapters

Even though the game has his issues It'll always be 5 stars in my heart for all the friendships I've been able to cultivate through playing it :)