48 Reviews liked by geoffreyj

Is it silly, poorly acted, a bit sexist, and weirdly European? Yes. But you know, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

Why is Shelby's doorknob in the middle of his door, though? It makes me so mad.

I played global.

This game has gacha elements, which is a shame because it's actually pretty fun! And I mean, as long as you play by yourself and don't really care about rank, you'll be fine. There's a story(ies?) which I completely skipped because I'm trying to play a rhythm game, lol.

This has terrible lag on low-mid range phones like mine (Samsung A22) I had to play on someone else's device.

The prettiest LIS game but the story is so bad not even I can get behind this one. I wonder if I was as old as I was when I played the first one if I would like this one more

Joker in drag makes me feel things

A perfect game to play while watching unnecessary long youtube video essays.

Love the animations and the humour but the tension between the encouragement to make pretty unis and what the mechanics actually reward is annoying. There are so many different props and items that makes me want to make a great looking uni. But the game rewards you for just spamming items willy nilly. Also, starting a new uni over and over gets a bit tiring.

good for when you have to put your brain on a hamster wheel for a bit

a masterpiece but a lot of you are not ready to talk about that

i played this game as doug walker

When we first got Chromebooks in high school we'd purposefully turn the wifi off on them so we could play this since all the other game sites were blocked. Then they blocked this which I didn't even know was possible.

David Cage is the guy from Oldboy except the cell is a giant open plan apartment and they only let him watch the imdb top 100 movies and now he's back for revenge on us all



if the government saw what i made i'd be put on a watchlist



'Ello I'm will wright, welcome to me game spore



Really fun until you get to the space stage and the game shits its pants