20 Reviews liked by ghostiicarus

really sad to see how boring the game is now :(

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the soundtrack flexes on a bitch. like yes girl, keep those generic visual novel bangers comin. your reality makes me cry, i <3 monika so much. i think yuri is cute too and her death (and the sequence thereafter) is super memorable.

saya no uta is a miserable, unforgettable, intriguing and captivating experience.
i do have my issues with it - i didn't enjoy the sex scenes. i do understand that this is an eroge, but unfortunately to me it seemed like these scenes were placed with the purpose of shocking the viewer and being transgressive. i didn't enjoy it, so i chose to read the censored steam version, which was more particular to my tastes and i enjoyed it more. i do enjoy transgressive fiction (i am a visual novel reader, after all), but unfortunately i didn't enjoy the sex scenes, let alone the rape scenes. if you're like me and don't enjoy those, i'd definitely read it censored, it didn't take away anything from my full experience.
with it's shortness, i'd definitely recommend this game for new vn readers, specially those who are interested in a cosmic horror. it was the story that got me into visual novels back in 2020, and it's an experience i'll never forget.
the music is extremely remarkable, specially the game's opening track "schizophrenia" - the song truly grips with it's violent noise and twisted sounds, setting the mood for the entirety of the game.
saya no uta made me fall in love this type of cosmic horror mixing beauty and depravity, the enticing visuals of the flesh and gore, mixed with the alluring beauty of human-like creatures.
this story expertly understands the depravity of desperation, of grasping at straws for a semblance of humanity in times of misery.
even though the story has many flaws, i fully believe saya no uta deserves the praise it gets.

miserable, on purpose
anti-state, as game design
discrimination, as ludonarrative
absolutely astounding

son dying didn't reduce food cost, not very realistic

Solid 2D platformer with a cool visual style and great atmosphere. The level design is generally solid throughout, and the game introduces a lot of varied mechanics to keep things fresh without straying too far from the core platforming gameplay you're here for in the first place.

There's two things I didn't like here. First is the length. You can beat this in an afternoon, which is not really anything new when it comes to a lot of SNES games, but the levels here feel pretty short in of themselves, which makes the game feel shorter than it actually is. Secondly is the camera. I felt it was just a tad too close to the player in a lot of cases, resulting in several moments where I was blindsided by an enemy or projectile that hit me before I could see it coming. It's not a constant occurence, but it does happen more often than I'd like it to. Just a little bit of extra screen space would have gone a long way here.

Outside of a handful of complaints, Donkey Kong Country is solid and an easy game to recommend for fans of the genre. I might go back to reach 100% completion one day, but I'm satisfied with leaving it here for the time being. Definitely looking forward to playing the second and third games in the future.

stinky girls play project diva in bed and grind for these perfect songs (i am stinky girls)

this one is my favorite diva game. probably mainly because it was my first one but also after having played every other mainline title except future tone.

i believe this one found just enough balance between the rythm game and the diva room. i would say its about 70% rythm game and 30% diva room which actually is really great to handle in terms of hunting down the platinum trophy. not like in x the maximum friendship level with the vocaloids here is only 6. you can increse that in a timespan of 10-15 minutes by petting their head or giving them gifts they love. unlike in x where they, for whatever reason increased that level to 10 and gave you way less options to build it up.
it steals the fun of it. immensely.

i also believe the song selection here is absolutely amazing. i even miss some of the songs here in recent games like megamix still (kagerou days my beloved)
some of my favorites in this game include: two sided lovers, envy cat walk, 2d dream fever, blackjack

also it has some neat features no other title has. you can customize the ui ingame for example with skins you unlock one by one. the unlocking items here is also not rng and can be viewed on each song seperately and what it demands to unlock.

call me crazy, but this was peak miku

-major 2000's filter
-multiple branching story paths
-utterly insane
-Panzer Dragoon stages
-large variety of weapons
-edgy protagonist obsessed over a woman

Babe this isn't your average Sonic game this is fucking Drakengard

he has a fuckin GUN dude this game is so fucking funny i love these mid-period sonic games they make Sonic cuss in this one it's incredible

i dont think i would ever read another visual novel like sweet pool. i read it back a few years ago, and while i'd attribute my nitroplus chiral craze to dramatical murder, sweet pool definitely hightened it.
one of the few issues i have with it are: i wish there was more catholic guilt and more catholic imagery! the entire premise of the game is experienced inside a japanese catholic school, but i feel like it wasn't used to it's full potential like it should. no catholic guilt, few catholic imagery, nothing. while i do love catholicism as an aesthetic, i feel like it was wasted potential to not expand more on how catholicism affects the protagonists.
overall, while i don't think it's art is very remarkable (though it is VERY 2008 yaoi, with young boys looking like full growns adults), the story is definitely one of nitroplus chiral best so far.
extremely disturbing and breathtaking, i couldn't help but find myself desperately obsessed with tetsuo and youji's rocky, sad and loving relationship. the way they end up growing extremely fond of each other made my heart ache like nothing else.
i definitely recommend reading it if you're looking for angsty romance with an extremely captivating and disturbing story.

One of the most bizarre yet compelling experiences I've had with a video game. It has so many problems with its technical performance and gameplay, yet there's something so endearing about it. The way it portrays people in the midst of a natural disaster feels melodramatic yet strangely human, and seeing the destruction caused by these disasters could be genuinely affecting at times. I just love how this game is able to balance tragedy, comedy, and moments of peace in a way that feels mostly coherent. But unfortunately I don't like the direction its story takes around the end. The tragedy element is hammered down a bit too much, there's a plot twist that's really dumb (but not in a fun way), and there's a plot point involving SA that I thought was handled very poorly. There were moments of Disaster Report 4 where I thought it could be one of my new favorites, but these issues did sour the experience a little bit. Still a very enjoyable experience that I would like to replay in the future.

In ten years or so, this game will appear in some "Gen Alpha Nostalgia" video on YouTube or whatever, and people in the comments will reminisce on their nostalgic memories of playing Among Us as kids when it took off and talk about just how much better things were in the 2020s. Mark my words.

An outlet to play online/local multiplayer Puyo Puyo... and absolutely nothing else. There's no campaign, very little content in general, a real headscratcher of a roster and very little here that'd appeal to casual fans or series newcomers. But just being an outlet to play multiplayer Puyo is all this game was ever meant to be, so I can't really fault it for this I suppose. It's still Puyo, and Puyo's always fun, and for $10 tops, it's not a bad deal at all.

Despite the fact that there's very little to do in this game, I still 100% completed it anyway and I'm not sure what that says about me.

ouuuuuu this game was sooooo mid but i'm still giving it 3 stars because of the sheer potential it had. if this game was full-length instead, i feel like half of its issues would have been solved, giving the characters way more depth, more room for elaborating on their motivations + circumstances and overall the story would've been cleaner with far less unresolved threads. i still somewhat enjoyed what we got, but im lamenting what this game Could've been So bad..... there was so much potential that got COMPLETELY wasted on this being a short rpg

also as another user said i feel like the tycoon aspect didn't really add anything to the game? it was fun but really repetitive and some of the controls were a bit buggy..... the mechanics were overall kind of a drag tbh interacting with the environment added little to the story + tended to be overdone. likewise the game is very vague in telling you how to trigger the endings? without a guide i would have been completely stuck

at the end of the day i do understand this is a free game + the visuals and music are amazing, i'm just so sad because i would've loved to see this in full-fledged game form but alas...

i love wakabayashi hes a little bitch i hope he explodes