Winner of the 'Most Perfectly Average Sonic Game I've Ever Played' award.

The fact this game has actual, real-life radio stations devoted to it is genuinely amazing.

Recently got into DarkRP, the mods on there got super mad at me because I went terrorist and ran around shooting random people while screaming about muhammed in voice chat.

I'm slowly starting to get addicted, send help...

I... actually really liked it?
The hang glider, Scrambled Egg Zone and the final boss can go fuck themselves though.
DO NOT play this on the Game Gear however. This game is seriously hindered by that system's screen crunch and it's unfortunate that this game is mostly played via that version.

Custer walked so that hentai games on Steam could run.

An extremely overlooked gem on the Wii. For some reason it has a very dark sense of humor with a load of jokes about consumerism and society in general.
The soundtrack has no reason being as good as it is but god damn, Ubisoft went all out, with a mix of soothing licenced music representing the humans and chaotic brass representing the insanity of the rabbids.
The way Rabbids Go Home incorporates the wiimote into its gameplay is also incredibly charming without going into detail as I feel it is a very fun surprise going in.
I'd recommend any Wii owner give this game a shot, I don't think you'd regret it.

idc what anybody says, this game SLAPS

A pretty solid port of the classic Sonic games, with the only issues being the iffy audio, slight screen crunch and occasional framerate dips as well as the lack of an option to combine Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles into S3&K. Nowadays if you want to play the classic Sonic games portably I'd just recommend the mobile ports or the upcoming Sonic Origins collection on the Switch but for 2010 this was pretty awesome.

Great game, pretty meh remake.
I feel like the dated, ugly graphics of the N64 really added to the sense of unease that the original gave off, however that is really missing in 3D unfortunately. It just feels too clean compared to the original and that's a shame. Combine this with the unnecessary changes to the gameplay such as the Zora swimming being made much slower and less fun as a result, I think I'd just rather play the original game.

This review was written before the game released

I really hope this ends up being a solid game. I don't trust Sonic Team anymore but there's still a small chance they could get their act together to make a decent game again, right?

Played this game a lot as a kid and I loved it but god damn I'm glad I never actually finished it, what the hell were they thinking with that ending??

One of the most bizarre games I ever played as a kid. The game has such a weird, eerie and lonely vibe to it, a sharp contrast to the animated show it's based on. The game has an ear-bleeding overworld theme that plays almost non-stop and it just adds to that weird aura. Bikini Bottom feels extremely abandoned, the only NPCs you meet are hostile for seemingly no reason, it almost feels like a post-apocalypse. I'd actually recommend playing this at least once, it's so weird and uncanny that it has its own charm despite not actually being a good game per say.