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9 hrs ago

mystgourmet is now playing Bunny Garden

10 hrs ago

14 hrs ago

14 hrs ago

Herbert followed Doodstormer

14 hrs ago

Herbert commented on goop_lord's review of Pseudoregalia
feels like we waited 30 years for someone to understand that part of what makes Super Mario 64 so fun is that you've got a whole host of moves that you don't need to use most of the time, and if you use them well then you can get yourself into all sorts of interesting trouble

15 hrs ago

Herbert completed Quake
Quake 1 is the greatest FPS of all time and it was made essentially on accident by a group of extremely skilled people who could not stand eachother anymore cobbling something together. Quake 1 is the Fleetwood Mac - Rumours of videogames

15 hrs ago

Marigold finished Ghostrunner
Reminiscent of Hotline Miami and Katana Zero, made 3D, and slathered in cyberpunk aesthetics. The cybernetic portions of the game sport much more fascinating, hazy visuals, particularly in the paths that construct themselves in front of you.

I want a game like this, but with less focus on puzzling out how to Efficiently Kill The Dudes and more on moving around with the toolset. Perhaps I set myself up for disappointment by hoping for something that it simply wasn't going to be.

17 hrs ago

18 hrs ago

Herbert completed Black Mesa
they 'fixed' the MP5 and shotgun so instead of needing to rely on a whole arsenal of explosives, traps and weirdo guns you can just handle every single fight with two guns
they 'fixed' the HECU marines so instead of erratic freaks they just kinda stand around and impose a health tax if you look around a corner
they 'fixed' xen by making it look like it was trending on art station and replacing all the weird cool levels with Half-Life 2 puzzles for some godforsaken reason

22 hrs ago

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