29 Reviews liked by gravyavocado

Absolutely bonkers story that blew my head off. Sometimes, traveling between planets can get tedious, but like with every Bethesda game I’ve played so far, I just couldn’t stop. Side quests ate hard, as expected.

On September 1st 2023 I started Starfield at 01:00 in the morning and did not go to bed until 23:30. This is my personal GOT.

This is not a space sim, this is not Elite, this is not Starcitizen

This is a high-adventure fantasy. You will love this if you like a good RPG, good dialogue, good narrative, good combat, and good space combat. This is Fallout 4 with space.

I will be playing this for months, maybe years to come.


I actually beat this game a while ago, but I've been really struggling to put what I liked about it into words.

So I'll keep it as simple as I can:

- The environments are gorgeous and far more varied than the first 5 or so hours will lead you to believe.

- The characters are—far and away—the best written and most interesting in Bethesda's entire library.

- The combat feels great. The stiffness of Fallout gunplay is a thing of the past, and Starfield's unique twists on encounters are often subtle but deeply appreciated.

- The creative freedom in character customization (and everything great that entails) as well as ship building remained rewarding through my entire experience.

- As everyone will tell you, NG+ is extremely clever, and I'd argue it's almost worth the price of admission in and of itself.

As someone who has never liked Fallout, I had so many worries about Starfield. It has its rough edges, but overall, I'm extremely impressed with what Bethesda built here. It's just a great time.

i LOVE shitty 3d platformers that suck and suck to control i LOVE it

I never thought this day would come but I guess it has.
Psychonauts 2 has finally been released, and it FUCKS HARD.

Pretty much all control problems from the first game are gone, and everything feels so smooth to play; that feeling you get when the controller just melds with your hands making you emerged with your surroundings, very few games can truly give you an experience like that.

Not only does the game look fantastic from a graphics stand but it also looks fantastic from a style aspect. Even 16 years later and it still has the charm and humor the original had and then some. Almost every character looks deformed; like someone a really crap drawing on a napkin and then used that as concept art, but it's so charming and oddly fitting with the world of this game that you just learn to accept it after a while.

The level design in the first was some of the best of that generation and it's just as good here. Not only are the levels masterfully designed from a gameplay angle but they're also outstanding in narrative and stylistic. Each mind is unique for each character, one mind might be a psychedelic Woodstock like concert, and another might be a hospital casino hybrid. The levels become character onto themselves making exploration a treat rather than an obligation.

The one aspect that really caught me off-guard was the game's story and writing. For how funny the game can be it also balances the emotional and heartwarming moments amazingly. This game also gets an award for outstanding portrayals of mental illnesses such as "PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, and Panic Attacks" just to name a few. This game also gets the award for having a gay couple that actually acts like real-life gay people. IE regular people.

This was such an amazing surprise. Going into this I was thinking to myself "There is no way in hell this is gonna be as good as the first, at best it's gonna be a fun time with some characters I haven't seen in years"; oh how wrong I was. This game has surpassed the first game in pretty much every category and is now in my Top 5 favorite games ever. Psychonauts 1 will always have its place in my heart, but this game is just so great I just couldn't resist giving this a 10/10. (with a BADASS seal of approval)

The best fallout to date other than fallout 3. Yes a contraversal opinion. Yes I played the shit out of the other fallouts and loved them. I just prefer the urban setting 3 & 4 give. Even though the dialog system has been changed a bit there are mods to restore them to the previous variant. The game is beautiful and combat is very smooth. The story is excellent the only real problem with this game is the side content. The other games had memorable side missions while in this game its mainly raidant or forgetful missions. Still a solid entry and many "complaints" can be handled with mods just like the last two games.

If you need a solid modding guide I got you covered with both essential and QOL mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944627695

Is this as good as Fallout NV- NO

Is this still a very solid western RPG that does a good job with its characters, story, game mechanics, controls, and world-building - yeah I guess.

The better smash game, the powerpuff level alone puts this game above all else

Simply the perfect game. Played this competitively for a bit, definitely a highlight of my gaming experiences.

Absolutely a masterclass in gaming. Perfect in every conceivable way

When this game came out, it was £50 in the UK.
If you ever feel bad about your financial decisions, just remember there exist real, living people on this earth who spent full price on BOOGIE.

my favorite mario kart forever and ever! i was always delegated to item duty but the idea of multiplayer coop in a racing game was so cool.