prob my favorite boomer shooter, so hyped for ep. 2

honestly looks better than most modern games

black mesa is technically better, it's still what i replay when i wanna go back to this, but this was the game that made me fall in love with shooters (and pc games in general tbh) and nothing can take that away

combat is great, has some v fun story moments but the ending to this game soured the whole experience for me. also unreal sucks i wish this was in dragon engine :(

the power of love <3 can conquer any evil <3 Ichi is such a refreshing protagonist (esp. after 6) and this game has so much empathy for people with less privilege it's great. the main story is fantastic, it feels like it has a similar level of complexity to earlier titles but wraps it up super neatly by the end. the party is great i love them all, yokohama is such a good city, turn based works surprisingly well for the series and the moments in this game meant for long-time fans hit so hard. easily one of the best in the series

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ok so. i definitely hyped myself too much on this game before its release, and when i played it i was kind of blind to the huge issues it had. for a while it was my favorite, and it's still up there bc the dragon engine was SUCH a huge step up from previous entries that the charm of that still affects me. onomichi is still my favorite side city, nagumo & the gang are some of the best characters in the series, Someya is one of the best villains, i really love the levelling system and even the hunger system, but man the story in this game is fucking wild. i think the overarching plot is pretty good, but this has the most "he would not fucking say that" moments in the series by a LONG shot. the writer of this game also wrote Judgment (no surprise tbh) and the way it talks about Haruka and specifically her pregnancy is so so so weird. These men talk with such authority about her choices when she is never in the room and never has anything to say herself about it in the whole game. The first thing Kiryu does when she wakes up from her game-long coma is fucking YELL at her??? bro HE WOULD NOT DO THAT this game does not understand him as a character at all aside from just being a cool stoic guy who 'does the right thing' and it's so weird.

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my hottest yakuza take but this is the worst one. at the same time it has some of my favorite moments, but it is SO fucking long and drags on way too much and creates an overarching plot that i still don't fucking understand lmao. Kiryu's intro is fantastic, probably the best chapter in the game, and then Saejima's chapter brings it waaayyyy down. the hunting village felt so out of place and tsukimino is just a bad city. haruka/akiyama's chapter is pretty great too, another moment of gamers don't like women and girls so they hate this one but i loved playing as haruka and navigating the fucked up industry she's in, and as soon as shit gets real Akiyama comes in to protect her bc my god she needed that. and then again for Shinada, first time I played i really hated him but since he's grown on me, it just seems like a huge diversion in the story for a plot point that plays so little in the final events that i felt like the game didn't want me to finish it. he's also kind of a fuckin loser compared to every other playable character, which since i have come to appreciate (hes just a lil guy) but at the time was super annoying. DISCLAIMER: especially at this point I think this game was wearing out on me because I was playing these games leading up to the release of 6, and 5 was taking a lot longer than i expected and this chapter was the reason so i may have taken out a bit too much on it. the finale is great tho no notes (except that Aizawa is kind of a missed opportunity final boss, i know that's part of his character that he's just a nepo baby and this is the plan laid out for him not what he actually wants for himself but. it takes some oomph out of the final fights idk)

definitely the messiest story in the series, but introducing akiyama and saejima gives me enough good will to appreciate this game a lot more. also i really like that u can go to the underground mall and explore the rooftops in kamurocho i thought that was neat :3

the kiwami games were bound to make the transition to 3 a lot harder but people shit on this game WAY too much. Rikiya is still one of the best characters in the series i don't care what ANYONE says. also gamers have no empathy so of course they don't like taking care of the kids in the orphanage but making those connections lays the foundation for so much of my emotional investment in the rest of the series, it's super important. yeah yeah everybody blocks just hit circle bro. itll be okay

Ryuji Goda greatest of all TIME no one ever did it like him!!! outlaw's lullaby also the goat, the return of cabaret club czar, the story gets a lil messy towards the end but this is yakuza that is to be expected. one of the best tho

combat is great since it's just adapted from 0, majima everywhere is fantastic but the story is kinda made worse with the addition of nishiki's flashbacks & the insistence on using early ps2 animation rigs

hot take i think it's better than kiwami (japanese dub rom patch tho i ain't messing w that english dub)

perfect entry point, perfect character intros, one of the best series of all time etc etc

probably my new favorite in the series? feels like it fixed my biggest issues with 6's story and solidified Kiryu's character so much more, the combat is the best yet, the music goes sooooo hard, and i absolutely ugly cried at the end

this game does so much crazy shit, both in its story and graphically that it feels like it's pushing the medium forward a ton