The Gruel 1-Star Games List

I try to only play games I love, it's very rare that I'll actively play something I hate or think I'll hate. Sometimes I end up stumbling into some truly diabolical pieces of shit, which I'm going to document here as games that are physically repulsive and sickening to play.

What if a game had zero good ideas and doubled down on all the really bad ones?
Cynical and pointless. Vapid piece of shit that is as repulsive as it is worthless.
I'm adding this DLC as an honorary member because it sucks so much fucking ass.
A bizarre concoction of game ideas in an attempt for mass market appeal for a series that has sold 5 million copies. Asinine and boring.
Another game that really fucked christmas up.
Sonic Farts. Sonic Farts.
My most reviled game since childhood. It's like a Deus Ex killswitch but as a video game.
A game with such a shocking portrayal of women that even 15 year olds at the time were like, "damn that's fucked up."
you do NOT play as Swagman.
Everytime I play it a new flaw becomes apparent to me. This time it's how unstable the camera is, it genuinely makes me sick to look at it for too long.


1 year ago

Ninja Gaiden 3 is weird. I haven't played it, and everyone says it's the worst one, but it was written by Masato Kato and he's a genius. I guess I'll just have to see when I do play it.

1 year ago

it's one of the most puzzling games. Fumihiko Yasuda directed it, and as the Nioh games show, he KNOWS what makes an action game tick. But no one was working with a full deck on that game. The plot and script is insipid, just beyond ridiculous. It questions the morality of Ryu Hayabusa's killings when in the first 2 games you primarily are fighting demons and monsters. "What is the morality of fighting a creature who is 30% big eyeballs?"

1 year ago

shout out to mothership zeta. almost bricked my entire save because there was a scripted scene that didn't trigger in a locked room. good thing i had another save or else that'd have been oodles of hours down the shitter

shout out to abominations also just being reskinned deathclaws. so fucking lame that i remember it for the worst reasons

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