Haven't completed it yet. It's pretty fucking good though. I will say though that actually purchasing it on the PS3 store is harder than any boss fight in the game. Their website will reject every form of payment, forcing you to drive to the fucking store to buy a PSN card for $25 for a 10 dollar game. Now what am I gonna buy with the remainder? Red Faction? Fat chance.

Anyway, Godhand? Really good.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2022


1 year ago

I relate to your PSN life struggles

1 year ago

holy shit me too

1 year ago

god hand for a friend

6 months ago

did I leave the comment that was removed?

6 months ago

@HylianBran I have no idea tbh.

6 months ago

btw those who don't know the ps3 store runs at five seconds per frame per milliframe second/millisecond per frame time. In other words the main page shows me Sonic games and Grand Theft Auto on repeat over and over again and it takes five minutes to type a game in. Then when you click on it the psn store closes for no reason and then when you try it again it says the payment can't go through. I almost feel like Sony didn't keep it up because of the backlash against it getting shut down but instead because they thought it was really really funny. It genuinely feels like it's supposed to be intentionally bad

6 months ago

old enough to remember when the PSN store actually worked on ps3 and looked good 👴

6 months ago

some games let you access that version still cos they call stuff on the disc instead of actually loading the store. Nier 1 off the top of my head

6 months ago

@goznog woah really? I gotta check that out that sounds really cool