Cd Project Titles

This list is about the Cd project games or dlc's that I have played

Fun sidequests
Magical looking world
Returning enemies from witcher 1 with added movesets
It's a nice dlc but also it has really badly told main cast for the main story and boring copy paste question marks. Somehow main story sucks at the emotional and drama parts, I said a lot of shit for the base game's main story but at least emotional moments hit when it come. In this dlc I was just looking at the screen huh. Ok. Because someone decided it would be nice to make the main conflict of this game is "no one tries to understand each other for a moment and just does whatever the hell they think". Sorry cd project but if you do everyone a selfish prick I can't get invested when the emotional parts hit and as a main story focused person, it's a miss for me
Witcher 1 but on a grander level.
Also witcher 1 but feels like it goes for quantity over quality. Overbloats it's world with copy pasted content a lot.

Really badly paced story as well. It's only starts to go somewhere after the last quarter of the damn game.(ehm just like witcher 1)

gameplay that is bettter than witcher 2 but that is not saying much. Still feels meh. Yeah it does have a nice looking animations but the problem is they are too damn long and because of that you don't feel like you are in full control of your character, also questionable shitty physics with movement/horse riding/climbing add to this tedium as well
Only reason it's up witcher 3 is it's variety in it's gameplay.
Gameplay that is all about preparing against an enemy and using correct stance/potions/buffs/swords against it. Contrary to common belief, I believe it works more than the other games combats.
But story feels aimless until the last quarter of the game and even with that, it ends in a rushed way.
Also "But" game's world and atmosphere so immersive with feeling depressive as heck, that it's saves for me
Fantastic story that is about, trying to achieve the freedom in the face of impossible odds.
In a world where only people cares about what side you are on and do you assist them or not. If not then you are just an another threat to them.
Geralt vs the world

But when it games to gameplay, it's so bad with animations that conflict with each other, questionable hit boxes, dodge button that barely works, guard button that doesn't work until you unlock the necessary skills for some reason, basic soldier enemies that are somehow even more faster than Geralt the witcher himself?? Shitty insta kill quick time events that come with no warning.
Frustration the game
A really good complex conspiracy story.
Kinda wish side characters was more fleshed out tho
Characters that are about quality over quantity.
Story takes the heart strings and pulls it violently
Excellent pacing that throws new content to your face with new fights, bosses, enemies etc. in every second.

Only negative I can say about is, main game's already existing not so good flowing gameplay


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