Naughty Dog Games

These are my rankings of naughty dog games I had played

This game have it's problems. Nonexistent partner ai that gets in your way, unbalanced enemies, really limited stealth etc. It works as a game, but isn't excellent in any category be it stealth, action, survival etc. Because It just tries to give you a more casual version of survival system. It makes this game bland in paper

But it uses it's best to get you into the wild situations with the combination of heartfelt moments and it really worked for me. But for really loving this game you need to really like Joel and Ellie's relationship. I loved it. So that's why it's one of my favorites
After playing uncharted and then getting to this one, I didn't have any big expectations but this game managed to suprise me. It uses it's bland cover shooting and climbing mechanics to it's limit with constantly giving you new variety of moments with action, puzzles, setpieces etc. It always refreshes the pace in right amount that I never bored throughout the game.

Also it's added cast is a plus as well. They are even more fun and crazier. Also I really liked the fact that they didn't forget first game's cast because they really develop them even more in this game!
It's really sad that this game gets a bad rap. Just because a character acted dumb and did an oopsie in the first 30 minute of this game, everyone acts like this game is garbage. It's not and it's one of the best representation of two sides of war I had seen just after nier replicant.

Also it's expansion on stealth gameplay makes this game ten times more fun to play then it's predecessor.

But one thing takes away from it's positivity is... There is too many characters. Compared to the small cast of the first game, in this one there is 5x more characters and it really hurts their screen time. Also I hate Dina and Owen. I never buy into both of their relationships and I really think Neil Druckmann is a bad romance writer.

But other than that, like I said it's representation on two sides is it's greatest achievement with also refined gameplay makes this game a good game for me.
Now this is what I call a good sequel. More missions more variety more gameplay. Heck yeah
I don't know if my expectations was too high but I am disappointed in this game.

When it's come to gameplay sections it does have a better stealth system I am gonna give it that. But most of the game consists of boring climbing somewhere to somewhere. Yeah action moments are really good and probably the most interactive then it's ever been, but that doesn't excuse it's piss poor low tempo that rarely rises. I would say this game is almost slow as uncharted 1??

When it comes to story it's better than 3 with the strong relationship of Drake brothers, but if you ask me villains are still really boring like 3 and not even menacing. At least it's finale is reaaaaaly damn good with one last good adrenaline rush so it's still gets a positive at least
We have even more gameplay moves now heck yea... What do you mean it's filled with vehicle sections as much as platforming... Why...
After the excellent game that was 2. In this one they wanted to experiment but not also? It's weird.

Gameplay sections really similar to the second game but unlike the second game it does have a lower tempo and energy that I didn't enjoy that much.

Also it's story tries to be grander and more personal with lots of flashbacks but somehow rushes everything soooo quickly with forgetting to give depth to villains, it just ends up flat. Second game's villain wasn't depthful either but at least he was menacing. In this one they just promise greatness and act nothing like it
It's hard to talk about this game. It feels like they took almost everything from previous games rather than being something on it's own. Other than one really interesting non linear treasure hunting section, there is really nothing going for it to establish it's own form of itself. At least returning action setpieces still fun tho
Really short, entertaining but flawed game. But it's slippery walking and also really clunky jumping(it's not smooth, it feels like they didn't slow down beginning and the end of it's animation, so it feels like suddenly character went airborne rather than character truly jumped). Also it's saving system is just bollocks and stupid
If I hadn't saw the enormous praise this franchise gets, I would leave this franchise with this game.

Because even with the fun characters, this game's gameplay is really monotone, you do 5 minute cover shooting then 5 minute boring climbing. It never tries to refresh the pace except some small running away sections and it's ending part. Yeah I really enjoyed the new fresh part that is the ending chapter that forces you to do something different with the new enemy faction but that's it.

This game is bland cover shooter the game


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