Rgg games (Yakuza, Like a dragon etc.)

This is my own ranking on rgg games

Fun combat especially majima's
Fun sidecontent(until you decide to complete them that is)
A bit grindy progression system.
Story starts strong, then slowly devolves into, do things that said by other characters. Especially Kiryu's side
Everything related to Ichiban is super emotion gripping. My heart aches whenever I remember certain scenes.

On the other hand, everything else in the story(antagonists, betrayals, factions) executed super sloppily because it tries to include too many ideas and ends up feel unfocused and feels lost potential for a lot of them. Almost like they tried to combine yakuza 1 and yakuza 2 in just one game.

Also for some reason this is the first rgg game that forces you to GRIND???If substories are the way to level up it would be enough... but of course not! Just repeat the dungeons you buffon!
It would maybe bearable if the combat had some depth and tactics but it's surface level stuff like buff, debuff, multi target attack, single target attack and summons. It's not exciting to unlock the next level. I hate ishin in this subject too but at least you can beat the game with stocking heal items so it's not forced for "main progression" in 7 it's FORCED ON YOU
This is a how to make pacing bad the game. Game really loves to interrupt you at everything. Also they destroyed the upgrade system for funny side majima antics. Really dislike this game
Mad fun gameplay.
Super fun fan service.
Side characters are good.

Story bored me.
Boring villains angered me.
Pacing on the other hand... Managed to kill me.
Yakuza 6 2. A story about a broken man gets tortured to death but still holds his promise to the end. Or I would say that if Infinite piece of shit Wealth didn't ruin everything

Gameplay wise crowd control feels amazing but one on one feels really sluggish and chaotic in a bad way just like y6.
Best side characters and best Kiryu characterization in my opinion. But story is so messy that, it makes me angry how they wasted some of the potentials
Best brawler mechanics rgg ever done. Best antagonist, I couldn't imagine for them to do yakuza 2 level antagonist but for me they did it. My big complaint is messy execution of the story. I think everything tied to school executed poorly compared to the rest of the game (ehm first half of the game is garbage in my opinion)
Story is damn good but for some reason everything related to serial killer executed poorly on the other hand mystery part executed so good so it's good. But really disliked the repetitive sidecontent. Also combat feels unbalanced, some moves have good damage some of them not(ehm crane feels weak), so because of that I didn't use half of my arsenal and that's a damn shame. But Kamurocho in this game man... It's the best version of it. It expands in small ways that made me feel like an adventurer with finding so many hidden corners, alleys hidden in the map, also with it's mystery filled soundtrack made me feel closer to yakuza 1's dangerous atmosphere.
Probably the best story and characters. Except Haruka's part(Just like his mom, she does illogical things). As a game it's still fun, but floaty and glitchy physics that interrupt your combo potential takes it a little down for me.
First half is good old rgg mystery, second half is plot twists the game for no reason at all. Also except kiryu, rest of the characters don't feel that much fleshed out to play in my opinion
I don't like this game. Beggining to end stupid plot twists everywhere. Character introductions that go nowhere(there is like 50 characters with no conclusion to MOST of their stories). Gameplay even more casualized with a new spirit thingy that makes you invicible to any damage. Only thing I had fun in this game is racing and dancing competitions, that's it
Pure brutal redemption story, it's pretty fun to experience. Also Kamurocho feels threatening in this game. My big complaint is with the game mechanics: lock on only works if you are directly looking at the enemy, also you can't change attack direction once you start it. It's no big deal once you understand how it works also after getting the back attacks upgrade, but you need time to learn it and for that it's a bit down for me
Best rgg sequel that builds up what left of it from the previous game. Feels like a proper sequel compared to the other rgg sequels. My only problem is story is too wide so some of the plot points don't get enough time to shine
Pure son and father bonding adventure.
Middle part is a bit slow and combat have less options than og judgment. But still it was an short enjoyable emotional adventure. Also doesn't have the "too wide story that results not enough time to flesh out some of the characters* problem lost judgment had.
Peak Rgg. No filler. Pure story, lovable cast and action. What the hell more do you want?
Somehow a zombie story about yakuzas is fun? But at the same time it uses yakuza mechanics for shooting. You know what this means right? You go into a corner then hold the shoot button thats it
Fun but badly paced story. But have to say last quarter of this game goes fireeeeeeee.(wish first half was like that too)
Meh side content(grind takes away from their enjoyment)
Meh combat(only sword style feelsh fleshed out in my opinion)
Skill unlocking and sidecontent wise the Grindiest damn rgg game. But after trying with everything unlocked, actually it's a fun game. Just wish progression wasn't that grind heavy.
Yakuza 1 but more brutal. My only complaint is last quarter of the story is just like yakuza 1 it would not be that much of a problem but when first half is pure samurai journey, then the last quarter is just repeat of yakuza 1. It makes the journey not that satisfying then it could have been for me.


4 months ago

Please try Kurohyou, it's really damn good

4 months ago

I feel represented with some of these. I especially agree that story wise 6 is underrated and 7 is overrated.

4 months ago

@Moister I will ofc. Kurohyou looks nice

4 months ago

@Wollom yep, 6's story hate really bothers me it's a good story

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