Yoko Taro Games

This list is about the ranking for Yoko Taro's games I had played

Yoko Taro's most fluent gameplay in it's catalogue. But I felt I can't connect to it's main cast because of it's stupid no emotion rule. Also story have interesting moments yes but also a lot of filler moments too. B ending is a complete waste of time for example. As my first yoko game I need to have a some nostalgia I guess but after replaying again, some of the parts really started bothering me. At least C and D ending so good with forcing you to ask some hard questions to yourself so it still gets a positive for me
Og is... 0.000000001 better because this one muffled the og music/changed the faces and that's a no no.
Yoko Taro's most enjoyable game with it's main content(route a and b) that explores perspectives at war... Without looking to other side you won't know it's worth after all.
But at the same time the most boring side content that lessens your experience
An interesting game that tries to subvert nier's premise in it's head. But unfortunately unfinished and rushed feeling with both story and gameplay holds it back greatly. If you include outside material it can go higher, but that requirement alone deserves this game to get lower
The bravest little game. There is no better game when it comes to describing madness. It is outstanding that a piece of fictional work managed to give it's exact purpose with torturing you. In the end you go out as a changed person. As a more depressive person
This game is a sham, to milk loyal customers made by yoko taro
Cliche anime game with power ups and fan service moments. At times you feel there is a potential with how it's uses the old characters but at the same time new characters are so cliche dumbasses that you lose all your will to continue


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