14 reviews liked by guro_velma

played it again for the first time in years and. yeah this is just indisputably one of the best games ever made

filthy, angry ass game, contrasting against 2's elegiac tone and pensive, guilty feeling

not many games have 100% of the profits got to a queer furry youth but more should! especially if theyre this good!

This game rules, the bump combat is so funny especially in this remake. I sampled each port of this game and the version on steam is my favorite version. Very simple short and sweet RPG but it's bursting with swag. Love the visual improvements in this version and the entire soundtrack is a banger.

Pretty good shmup but like the character designs and ages they decided to go with for these characters gives it creeper vibes even though noting really bad is depicted in it.

Great vibes but how the hell did anyone get thru this without rewind tho



Braid is the first video game on god's green earth bold enough to ask the question:

"What if Mario was an incel?"

Other esteemed creators such as Dorkly would stop at making a shoddily animated Youtube Short about this subject, but oh nonono, not the Alpha Male of game development, Jonny Blowe.

This is a bad video game made by one of the most high-profile indie developer shitheads out there. Yes, it was a trailblazer in 2008's XBOX Live Arcade, paving the path towards indie games being more overtly perceived as a legitimate (or at least sellable, lol) art form - but as a lot of trailblazers are, time hasn't been kind to it.
It frequently wastes your time and oftentimes mechanics are thrown in because they are fun to think about, not interesting to work with or play. Nice enough art direction, I suppose, but still, no need to revisit this one. Steer clear.

This is a better Smooth Moves, and considering Smooth Moves is my favorite WarioWare, this is my new favorite.

This game is tough! But that's refreshing to me! Some of the poses they have you do are really challenging and it definitely gave me an actual workout at points. Because of this I had to kinda play in small bursts cause I'm weak lol, but this was really fun! It's refreshing after GiT for the series to just return to a previous gimmick and flesh it out even more. Also the cutscenes are so good and cute and fully voiced. Awesome game!