le meh, the card game is way better. Despite playing exactly the same ??


Totally unique game, almost abandonware? It's actually almost not even a game, but it is a very nice sandbox.

It's a game so good it actually retrospectively makes 95% of RPGs look basic in comparison. This is the elite videogame experience of Dungeons & Dragons.

1% killer 99% filler, also way past it's sell-by date.

It's a guilty pleasure, a wonky bad game, but I feel nostalgic.

meh, cities skylines prototype basically.

le ok game, le bad online service.

Loot based shooter with an ass loot system. No thanks.

I unironically thought I triggered an early joke ending, I had to google and find out that was the real ending it literally cuts off halfway through what SHOULD be the mid-game.

I actually really wanted this game to be good.

Rest in peace.

Can be way too fast for me sometimes, but I like that it's a properly hard rogue-like.

Game is unironically whack, somehow a huge step-down from Endless Space 1. I hate the internal democracy system.

Easily one of the greatest Star Wars games, would be 5 star if it ever had co-op campaign.