Love the interactions between all of the enemies in the environment. Like you're playing in sandbox

A lot to like about this, and I'm glad that it gets shown love. Probably the best valve IP outside of Half Life

It's not as bad as you'd think, but not as good as you'd want it to be. A truly stale turd.

Would'a been a 5 if they re-released Multiplayer for ME3, and they know it. They just didn't want to put in the effort for it

or, they wanted to avoid lootbox backlash.

Regardless, the best way to experience the Mass Effect trilogy. Wonder where Andromeda is hmm...

I hate this game and I hate how I bought into the hype, I also hate how I somehow forgave 343's releases of Halo 4 & 5.

This is the game that made me lose it with 343 and Halo, I will stick to my Bungie classics thank you

Best star wars fan service experience of all time. Galactic Conquest remains the most cracked game mode

My favourite tech-demo gone game. Bummed that we never got a game like this ever again. A hallmark of experimental early 360 titles.

I used to really like Skyrim, then as a young adult I found Dungeons & Dragons, and other RPGs. This game just isn't a Role-playing game. You are just the Dragonborn. I think even as a young teenager I was able to identify that this is just power fantasy simulator.

Glad this game exists, the Alien license finally got a game that lives up to the hype. Very replayable and graphically pleasing. Well optimised too !

Super cracked game, I love the endless Skirmish progression system.

Space combat = the most amazing Star Wars RTS experience of all time.

Ground combat = the worst Star Wars RTS experience of all time.

Not as good as ME2, but it still carries on quite competently, if you ignore the ending.

Absolutely legendary RPG, the Suicide mission is truly a magnum opus of Bioware storytelling & game design.

The story carries it from being just okay into the 'Good' tier. memorable characters & setting.

I love stories where there is struggle. For the most part, 9/10 players I bet never even finished this game. That's what makes winning all the more sweet. Playing this game is as hard as actually fighting off an alien invasion