Days Gone 2019

Log Status






Time Played

33h 48m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 20, 2023

Platforms Played


The port for the most part is easy to run at high framerates on moderate hardware and is smooth. It's not completely bug free but better than many ports I've experienced. The graphics can be quite stunning and I really dig the setting (biker cleaning up zombies out in a post-apocalyptic American wilderness). Has a Walking Dead vibe to it.

The gameplay however is very cookie cutter: repetitive and generic which is a common characteristic in AAA open worlds. That's not to say there's no fun to be had in this, but the repetitiveness will start to wear on you which is only made more apparent by being a ~40 hour game. This game should of been half that at the most.

The combat felt great, it was satisfying rolling up to a place and clearing it out. The feedback from the weapons and enemies gave it a lot of impact, felt like they had weight to them and there's a lot of freedom about how you approach the combat. Even simply driving the bike around is GTA levels of fun. Unfortunately it's just not enough to carry it for ~40 hours.

Majority of the main missions will cycle through the same mind-numbing tasks such as kill someone for a bounty or fetch something (often just a single thing or as dumb as something like plastic cups) then returning to complete the mission. So a lot of just driving out to do a mundane thing then returning, rinse and repeat. It gets old fast.

But there's a far bigger issue with this game and that's trailing sequences. This game is riddled with them. It's that whole thing of making you walk as slowly as possible behind someone. It's a constant in this game and it is infuriating and the main reason I've rated the game so low. I do not appreciate games that don't respect my time. You will also get hit with cutscenes constantly but at least with those you have the option of skipping.