I didn't finish this because of the combat, which I found to be very boring. Initially it was fun enough, but after meeting the same enemies again and again it just fell short.

The idea behind the game is good, and the "book" that you find pages of is a nice and nostalgic idea. You should definitely give it a try, at least. Especially since it's on Game Pass at the time of writing.


I played this game up until the last level, and then I "gave up". For me, the combat really ruined the game. The puzzles are fun and the environments really are amazing. But the combat drags the game down soooo much. It's not fun at all to encounter enemies, it's just annoying.

So in short, play it if you want for the puzzles and environments, but know that you might (probably) not like the combat at all.

I think I played this for about 5-6 hours to complete it, and I really loved every minute of it. It's not the longest game but it really knows how long it should be, considering what you do in the game. It's one of the more fun "puzzle"-platformers I've played in a long while. And the fact that there is no combat in the game is golden for me.

The grahpics are great as well, the art style for the characters goes well with the different art style for the environments. Speaking about that, the levels are so much fun! They're packed with stuff to do and places to explore.

I'd recommend this to anyone, especially now since it's on Gamepass as well. Thans for reading :)

I thought it was a lot of fun, the environments are nice and engaging and the story is fun. The big problem for me was Juliana, it was more annoying than fun playing against her.

I really, really loved this game. Pretty sure I played it in one stretch. The environment and nature in the game is beautiful, and I could spend hours just watching it. I don't remember much of the story, other than that it was good and a bit unsettling. The big star of this game though is the environment the story plays out in.

I really thought this was fun. The story was entertaining enough, and the combat is good enough to keep you interested for the duration of the game. Some minuses are all the collectibles, and I don't really think the light RPG mechanincs serve the game well.

For short, it's a good game in the HALO series, but certainly not the best one. (Also, I've only played the singeplayer since multiplayer doesn't interest me much). You can get it on Gamepass if you want to try it out but not commit too much money.