É bão mas faltou a luta contra o Krauser que tinha no Separate Ways original.
Chega de cortar conteúdo do original e depois tentar consertar a cagada colocando o que foi cortado em DLC, né dona Capcom?

Deeply flawed, ugly and weird. But I still love it anyway. Very nostalgic game, will always remind me of happier, better times.

This is what triple-A Sony exclusives should be like.

One of the most boring experiences I've ever had in my more than 2 decades of life as a gamer. The only good moments are the ones that make reference to the REAL God of War games.
Huge, HUGE downgrade. Santa Monica, go back to your hack and slash roots, stat.

Very underrated game. My favorite Castlevania title.
Environments are repetitive but the soundtrack, gameplay and the amount of weapons and Innocent Devil variations more than make up for it.

Legendary licensed soundtrack. Amazing gameplay. Great graphics too.

One of the best racing games ever made.

Very fun game. Not the most rewarding MK game in terms of extra content, but an incredible fighting game nonetheless.
The story isn't great, you can definitely see the red flags in NetherRealm's writing which would later make MK11 have one of the worst stories I've ever seen in a modern video game.

This game was a disappointment. It has cool ideas and great presentation, but it all gets stained by all the grinding and annoying gameplay mechanics in the main modes.
Male characters look stunning though, Kano in MK11 is one of the hottest video game characters. It doesn't fix the broken game, but gay players will have something nice to look at, at least.

This game is the stuff of legends. One of the best video games ever made, a must-play for any serious gamer.
Great soundtrack, incredible gameplay for its time which still holds up, the cutscenes are superb. Masterpiece.