actually had to pay for your own bullets, that one EA exec has been validated

reviewing this is difficult as they completely overhauled the way the game played to make it more in line with the systems of among us during the height of its popularity. these changes were bad. me and my friends gave it multiple chances and just fell off it. was a really solid free multiplayer experience before then, even when you played with dumb children it could be entertaining

fantastic depiction of hogwarts, making it feel like a properly realised space compared to the more gamey orientations of the previous entries. the spells being set to particular waggles of the analog stick is interesting but misreads intent too often. side quests fun, main questline boring, but that's because it's the order of the phoenix. alpha-hogwarts legacy

to this day i have not beaten the ravenclaw at chess nor the slytherin at gobstones

i will always associate this game with playing it in the mental hospital. that's not the reason i dislike it, it's just a terrible platformer with an awful and cheap story

this DLC plays worse than the Foundation DLC. my love for Alan Wake does influence my feelings towards this. there was a photograph i picked up towards the end of the DLC that has been one of the scariest moments i've experienced in gaming. Could not stop thinking about it as I played Alan Wake II, which never lived up quite to this one moment in a Control DLC.

i waded into the water and a shark ate me and i got really scared and stopped playing the game for a while. i was an adult

the dedication to the production design is absolutely commendable.

had a delightful time playing as intended, with friends and laughing at how bad it was

would be 0.5 star higher if the cutscenes were skippable on post-game playthroughs

makes the game way to easy. should never have been included. >inb4 you can just choose not to use it, there will have been players (gamers optimise the fun out of every game, just how it goes) who will have had their first time experience of this game severely impacted by this DLC. yucky! and those players would have been people who pre-ordered the game too, the people most excited for it getting a worse experience? bad.

the updated lighting loses some of the atmosphere and tension from the original. would have liked it to change some story elements to keep older players surprised but this is no great crime. fantastic changes made to level layout, keeping iconic sections whilst tweaking forgettable parts so older players still maintain interest, and they made the correct decisions every time. the ship feels like a fully-realised dynamic space. masterclass remake