One of the best fangames ever made

Really fun if you name your party after you and your 3 closest friends

I fucking love this game's title

This is probably the best piece of fan-made content I've experienced in my life. The amount of love, care, and passion felt at every corner is indescribable. Yeah, the game's janky and has some design quirks that I disagree with, but that's not what this is about. It's truly a testament on what a group of talented and passionate fans can do when they work together. I spend every waking hour of the day looking forward to what the devs have in store for the future.

0/10 the boxart isn't covered in review scores

This is the only FNAF game I've actually played. The lore's great, it has a fantastic atmosphere, and was an incredible end to the storyline (until they continued it but that's not this game's fault). Unfortunately, it has a similar problem to most horror games I've played where the game gets too hard and frustrating to the point that it completely stops being scary to me. I couldn't figure out how the game worked and had to use cheats to get to the end. Was I just bad at the game? Probably, but the fact is that I couldn't figure out the game and it ruined the fear factor for me. Still a great game all-around though.

Surprisingly fantastic mobile game. Shame it has to share a name with.... THAT movie.

Honestly, this game really isn't that bad. Yeah, the car mechanic is a downgrade, but they still added a decent amount of strategy with different dice blocks and the fact that you're encouraged to deliberately screw the next player's turn. Also has really good minigames and I love the idea of each board ending with a boss battle. 10 is MUCH worse

This game traumatized me as a kid. 10/10