i liked it, but like many others, i got to the plot twist too quickly, and then spent about an hour clicking on meaningless videos and trying to figure out if there was anything else there. nevertheless, the format of this "game" is very fascinating, and the plot, although simple, is creepy and interesting. i will definitely check out telling lies!!

it would have been a hit that everyone is a little ashamed to remember if it had been released in 2010

actually, i didn't like any of the love interests, lmao... it's easy to make me squeal and kick my legs when it comes to otome, but this time it just didn't work for me, and i was embarrassed and a little bit cringed. HOWEVER, IT'S STILL FIVE STARS AND IT'S STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE GAMES EVER! the format is interesting and just great, communication with the characters is very realistic and funny, almost all of them are extremely pleasant people, at least until they start falling in love (yes, nightowl, i'm looking at you and your abusive habits)... i replayed it more than eight times in the evening to get to know the plot completely, and i'm sure i'll come back more than once, because i already miss it. it was amazing!!!

it would be great as a mobile game!! in the form in which it exists now, it is an entertaining entertainment for a couple of times, but no more

it's quite nice to spend half an hour on this game, it's cute and relaxing, but there's nothing in it that won't make you delete it on the same day

really my favorite game of this franchise.

...nevertheless, this is a case where piracy should be warmly welcomed. i'm pretty sure that the total price of all dlc is equal to the price of a human kidney.

SO good and fun!! like many people, i expected a gothic castle, but the mansion works even better for the story. the puzzles here are quite easy, and i haven't had a single moment when i would wander aimlessly, not knowing what to do next, although this often happens to me in the nancy games. i love a good family drama, so i liked the character dynamics, and it was even fitting that almost all of the members of this wealthy family were really unpleasant (except, perhaps, wade? would i like to know more about this man?). the location is very small, but very atmospheric and really creepy. although the twist on why nancy sees ghosts will seem extremely banal to any horror/thriller fan, i think...

i really want to see new books :( this is a VERY enjoyable and relaxing game, i regularly start it over, and perhaps its only drawback is how short it is. let's go, lesbians!

wonderful concept, cute characters, funny puzzles. it's a pretty good game, although it may get a little boring by the end

idk... the puzzles were quite fun, but towards the end the game process became just tedious. endless car rides take longer than an investigation, and the twist just becomes OBVIOUS at some point (although i liked the detail about clara, lol it was fun). oh, and the original 1930s setting unexpectedly works great for these games!

it's more of a story with a little bit of interactivity than a full-fledged game, but i liked it anyway! the design is extremely cute, the plot is very touching and emotional (and relatable), the puzzles are as simple as possible, but involve the player in the story. and the ending, oh, the ending... i expected something completely different