3D World is a childhood favourite of mine, and I dipped my toes in speedrunning it when I was a teenager. However, I haven't played it in about half a decade due to having a bricked Wii U -- therefore, it feels good to finally get to play this port. This is a very solid and underappreciated 3D Mario game with excellent level design, good progression in difficulty, and a rather epic post-game (maybe the best in the entire Mario series?) which ends in the absolute hardest Mario in an official game.

This release is essentially the same game as on the Wii U, but I have some specific notes about this port:

- While the controls have been decently well ported, but it is still a game which was intrinsically built for the Wii U's gamepad, and in that regard, there is not a single controller that works as well for it. To complement the screen, they used the same pointer system that was used in the 3D All-Stars port of Super Mario Galaxy to emulate the original DS-style screen touching. It works fine, but it feels clunky and unnatural compared to how satisfying it felt to interact with the world in the original version.
- The mid-air roll--just about the only thing that was added in this port compared to Wii U--is a new move I have positive feelings for. It allows for some pretty cool trick-jumping and SMW-esque cheese. It got me out of some crazy situations and had me experimenting with the limits of movement.
- Another thing they added is Photo mode, which they seem to have almost directly ported from Super Mario Odyssey but I really could care less for it. This game does not have the same type of theatrical settings as Odyssey so the opportunity for memorable screenshots is very limited.
- Unfortunately, the only use for Stamps appears to be for use in the aforementionned Photo mode. It was more rewarding to get the stamps on Wii U in order to use them on Miiverse, but now there is really no reason to get them other than to unlock the final world.
- Finally, it goes without saying that 380 Stars/80 Stamps should more than ever be considered the de facto 100% completion of this game. The genuine 100% completion--which involves beating every level in the game at least five times--is an absolute load of horse crap. At least, on Wii U, you got rare stamps to use on Miiverse, but now that Miiverse isn't a thing, it is a pointless and excruciating endeavour (unless you're willing to spend numerous hours replaying the game 4 more times to get an extra star on your file).

I am satisfied with this port, and if you find a good deal for it 2nd hand, it might be worth playing if you are an OG 3DW player. I was lucky enough that I was lent this game, but I would still have not complained if I paid it full-price because it is a very fine rerelease considering the tools they had. I am also excited to finally play through Bowser's Fury!

Doesn't do anything new; It Takes Two ports pre-existing ideas from some of the best video games games in history to a cooperative context and massively succeeds in doing so. It indeed clearly takes significant inspiration from Nintendo games, especially Super Mario Odyssey's transformations and its aesthetics is sometimes comparable to 3D Zelda dungeons, sometimes to Pikmin, sometimes it plays like Mario Kart, sometimes it plays a bit like Metroid... it's extremely diverse in its playstyles and inspirations, yet surprisingly, it succeeds in everything it attempts to do. The beauty of its environments is jaw-dropping (especially for an Unreal Engine game), the gameplay (incl. 3D platforming movement, which isn't an easy thing to master) is smooth, and everything it tries works so well with co-op. My girlfriend and I felt engaged from the beginning to the end, and I especially fell under the game's charm in the latter half.

Its ultra-linear progression sometimes make the levels feel rather hollow, giving not much reason to explore new environments. Furthermore, its fast pacing and perpetually changing gameplay makes it feel a tad unfocused and elusive at times. Writing is also extremely cringe-worthy at times--although Dr. Hakim's incredible personality completely fixes that. I would have hoped for each section to be a little more fleshed out and to have more collect-o-thon elements in it.

Despite that, It Takes Two is an essential short game to play with somebody--whether it's your significant other, a good friend, an avid gamer, a non-gamer--it has something for everybody and I was pleasantly suprised by its quality. Never knew EA were capable of publishing an actually fun and innovating game.