1 review liked by houseofmars

This game feels like the most complete package of all the DS games. Sure it's a lot more linear than the open "go anywhere" worlds of 1 and 2, but that one path is incredibly polished. It chugs along like a good, well-oiled machine. I played this game after Elden Ring and I have to say after that, the bosses in this game felt like paper and did not live up to the hype of their difficulty. No boss broke double digit deaths for me with the closest being Pontiff Sulyvahn, and Sister Friede, both at 9 deaths each. Now, that's not to say I thought that the bosses were worse off for it. On the contrary. The bosses in this game (while maybe could spare to be just a little bit tanker) were really fun, and most importantly, felt fair. I would even agree that they're some of the best in the entire SoulsBorneRingKiro? series. They just simply don't hold a candle to the bullshit of some of the Elden Ring bosses difficulty wise. My favorite boss was Gael. He was just really fun and cool, not much more needed to say.